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Joint Knowledge Online JKO Training Education - Joint Chiefs of …
JKO is the online learning platform of the Joint Staff J-7. Online training products and services offered to DoD organizations for military and civilian individual and staff training.
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
Module 2 focuses on the HIPAA Security Rule as well as DoD's implementation standards. Module 3 provides information about HIPAA Enforcement and HIPAA complaints. Module 4 focuses on the Privacy Act and the DoD Privacy Act Program. And, the final module, Module 5, covers Breach Response at DoD.
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
The SEJPME Course is a stand-alone, 100% online, web-based course that uses multi-media instruction. The course contains a pre-test, 11 modules of instruction, section knowledge checks (quizzes), lesson feedback forms, and a final examination.
Joint Knowledge Online
To access the course through JKO, you will first navigate to the Center for Development of Security Excellence website where you will be asked to register for an account on the Security Training, Education, and Professionalization Portal.
Joint Knowledge Online
DoD military and government civilians with a Common Access Card (CAC) can self-register for a JKO account. Go to https://jkodirect.jten.mil and select “Login using my CAC” and complete an account profile.
Joint Knowledge Online
This course is mandatory training for all DoD personnel with access to controlled unclassified information. The course provides information on the eleven training requirements for accessing, marking, safeguarding, decontrolling and destroying CUI along with the procedures for identifying and reporting security incidents.
Products Services Joint Knowledge Online JKO Tools - Joint …
Media-rich, interactive web-based courses, staff exercises, videos, podcasts, and more developed by educators, programmers, instructional system designers, graphics artists and training professionals . Includes training to fully leverage JKO.
About Joint Knowledge Online JKO Training Education
Joint Knowledge Online is the Online Learning Program of the Joint Staff J-7. Our Mission. Develop, deliver, track, report, and support online distributed learning to enhance individual and staff proficiency in joint operations and improve operational readiness of the …
Joint Knowledge Online - JKO LCMS
The course provides instruction on accessing, marking, safeguarding, decontrolling and destroying CUI along with the procedures for identifying and reporting security incidents. If the training has appeared in your queue, then your organization/component has assigned it to you.