Why did vi use hjkl instead of jikl? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
Jun 16, 2023 · I didn't go further because I didn't think it was particularly relevant. Vi uses HJKL for reasons outside of its creator's control. He didn't "choose" HJKL over JKL; or JIKL. He just used what made most sense in what was his current context. Bullet point #3 was deep enough for the problem at hand.
Does anyone else use jikl instead of hjkl? : r/vim - Reddit
Mar 22, 2017 · jikl creates a symmetry of motion that feels great for repeated left-right motions (j/l, whereas hjkl does exactly the same for up-down motions (j/k). I suppose you just need to ask yourself which one of these takes precedence for you, and if you need to access other machines regularly to make the decision of which to utilize.
Why "hjkl" for navigating instead of "jkl;"? : r/vim - Reddit
May 29, 2021 · Now, I consider myself more or less familar with basic movement in vim and use t,f,b,w,e all the time - but I have to use h,l pretty often for movement inside the W/word.
why {hjkl} for navigation not {jkl;} ? : r/vim - Reddit
Sep 8, 2013 · Aside from any historical reasons, since linewise movement is exceedingly more common than characterwise movement (at least in my experience), using my pointer and middle finger for said movement is a lot more comfortable than middle and ring finger would be.
How to disable arrow keys in vim? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
Dec 17, 2015 · I think @romainl may be pointing out that it's more important to focus on using vim's powerful motions (like w for next word, } for next paragraph, n for next search result match, fz for next occurrence of z in the current line, etc.) than moving more granularly by …
key bindings - Using text objects with IJKL navigation keys - Vi and ...
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Anyone prefer diamond keys (jikl) over regular vim arrow keys
Jan 23, 2019 · Diamond keys just seem more natural to me. Could be the shape of my hands though, my middle finger goes pasty my index finger by 90 mm and by 80mm over the ring finger.
Why hjkl? : r/vim - Reddit
36 votes, 71 comments. At this point I'm kinda too scared too ask but why doesn't vim use "jkl:" as motion keys like the i3 default?
What do you think of HJKL vs JKL:? - Reddit
Aug 8, 2017 · Personally I prefer consistency between programs with VI keybindings so I use HJKL. I think it should be a choice when config files are generated, just like the choice of mod key.
Why are the directions set as hjkl instead of jkl;? (I'm not a ... - Reddit
Oct 31, 2020 · Vim uses hjkl because vi did.. Vi used hjkl because its creator's keyboard didn't have physical cursor keys. . Instead, the arrows were printed on the h
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