Jessie Jovanovic - ResearchGate
Jessie JOVANOVIC, Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood | Cited by 146 | of Flinders University, Adelaide | Read 18 publications | Contact Jessie JOVANOVIC
Jessie Jovanovic (0000-0002-3489-9312) - ORCID
Jessie Jovanovic Reflections on working in a collective space to design learning territories 2013 | Conference paper | Author
Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood: Pedagogies of Inquiry …
Jessie Jovanovic is a preschool teacher with Gowrie South Australia, and former Senior Lecturer of Early Childhood Studies at Flinders University. Acknowledging the classed and gendered histories of the discipline, Jessie aims to work collaboratively with teaching and learning communities to explore critical pedagogies with an agentive ...
- 作者: Wendy Boyd, Nicole Green, Jessie Jovanovic
Jessie Jovanovic - Google Scholar
Unknown affiliation - Cited by 1,496 - Early Years Pedagogy - Educator Wellbeing - Cooperative Higher Education
Jessie Jovanovic - Professional Learning Facilitator - Gowrie SA
View Jessie Jovanovic’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. -- · Experience: Gowrie SA · Education: University of South Australia · Location: Torrensville · 50...
- 人脉数: 50
- 位置: Gowrie SA
Learning and teaching early childhood pedagogies inquiry and ...
Jessie is currently exploring connectivist thinking in her pedagogy, discovering how it shifts the creation, ownership and distribution of knowledge; and recognising ways that remote and online learning offer new forms of communication, connection, efficacy and access to grow.
Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood - Google Books
Jessie Jovanovic is a preschool teacher with Gowrie South Australia, and former Senior Lecturer of Early Childhood Studies at Flinders University.
JESSIE JOVANOVIC1 JENNIFER FANE YARROW ANDREW Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia Little is known about how university institutions are coping with increased placement demands in professional disciplines, and what this means for the quality and integrity of the Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) experiences
Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood - Perlego
Yes, you can access Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood by Wendy Boyd,Nicole Green,Jessie Jovanovic in PDF and/or ePUB format, as well as other popular books in Education & History of Education. We have over one million books available in …
Retaining Early Childcare Educators - Jovanovic - 2013 - Gender, …
2012年4月22日 · To support the emotional, social, intellectual and physical needs and interests of children, LDC staff are working physically, exercising vigilance in order to fulfil their duty of care, monitoring their interactions with children and regulating their own emotions.