Jeremiah 31:31-34 NIV - “The days are coming,” declares the
Jeremiah 31:32 Hebrew; Septuagint and Syriac / and I turned away from; Jeremiah 31:32 Or was their master
Jeremiah 31:31-34 ESV - The New Covenant - “Behold, the days
The New Covenant. 31 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make () a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I …
Jeremiah 31; 31-34 NIV - “At that time,” declares the LORD, - Bible …
8 The word came to Jeremiah from the Lord after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem to proclaim freedom for the slaves. 9 Everyone was to free their Hebrew …
Jeremiah 31:31-34 KJV - Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in …
Jeremiah 31:31-34 NKJV - A New Covenant - “Behold, the days
Jeremiah 31:32 So with MT, Tg., Vg.; LXX, Syr. and I turned away from them; Jeremiah 31:33 Lit. inward parts
Jeremiah 31:31-34 - BibleGateway.com
Jeremiah 31:32 Hebrew; Septuagint and Syriac / and I turned away from; Jeremiah 31:32 Or was their master
Jeremiah 31:31-34 NRSVUE - A New Covenant - The days are …
A New Covenant - The days are surely coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant that I made …
Jeremiah 31:34 NIV - No longer will they teach their - Bible Gateway
No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the LORD. “For I will forgive …
Jeremiah 31:31-34 - BibleGateway.com
31 “ Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a () new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the () covenant which I made with their …
Jeremías 31:31-34 - BibleGateway.com
31 He aquí que vienen días, dice Jehová, en los cuales haré nuevo pacto con la casa de Israel y con la casa de Judá. 32 No como el pacto que hice con sus padres el día que tomé su mano …