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JIBAKU SHOUNEN HANAKO-KUN - Chapter 97 - Manga Read
Read JIBAKU SHOUNEN HANAKO-KUN - Chapter 97 - A brief description of the manga JIBAKU SHOUNEN HANAKO-KUN: "Hanako-kan, Hanako-kan... are you there?" At Kamome Academy, like many other Japanese schools, there are "seven school secrets," one of which is the legend of Hanako-kan. They say that if you knock in the women's room on the third floor, Hanako-kan appears and fulfills any wish…
Aoi Akane | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Wiki | Fandom
Aoi Akane (蒼井茜 Aoi Akane?) is a first year student at Kamome Academy's High School division as one of Nene 's classmates, and the Student Council 's Vice President. He is secretly a Supernatural who controls the Present as the Guardian of the Present, one of the Three Clock Keepers along with Kako and Mirai.
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Mitsuba Sousuke | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Wiki | Fandom
Mitsuba Sousuke (三葉惣助), commonly called Mitsuba (ミツバ), is a ghost haunting Kamome Academy Middle School's lockers. He was a student at Kamome Academy 's Middle School division and was a member of the photography club before his death.
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Minamoto Teru | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Wiki | Fandom
Minamoto Teru (源 みなもと 輝 てる Minamoto Teru?) is a second year student at Kamome Academy's High School Division and the school's Student Council President. He is also Kou and Tiara 's elder brother and a member of a renowned family of exorcists, the Minamoto Clan.
Lista de volúmenes y capítulos | Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun Wiki
#5 ISBN Otra info Japonés Español Publicación Páginas 978-4-7575-5259-3 978-8-4187-5191-2 27 de febrero de 2017 185 Lista de capítulos Aparición 21 La Fiesta del Té, Parte 1 Aparición 22 La Fiesta del Té, Parte 2 Aparición 23 Los Tres Guardianes del Reloj, Parte 1 Aparición 24 Los Tres Guardianes del Reloj, Parte 2 Aparición 25 Los Tres Guardianes del Reloj, Parte 3
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun - MangaLector
Nene Yashiro, una chica de escuela secundaria que adora el ocultismo que sueña con el romance, se aventura en este baño embrujado, pero el Hanako que conoce no es nada como …
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