Jon Cryer's autobiography - the Data Lounge
Sep 24, 2015 · The only thing I can add is my mom and stepdad live in Alec Baldwin's building and, if Janine Turner is crazy then Hilaria is completely insane. My mother (who interestingly was a religious sister when my parents met) was blogging for awhile: "Sh*t The Baldwins Say."
What Caused Tom Cruise To Go Off The Deep End? - the Data …
Dec 24, 2021 · They should have been allowed to stay in the home to help raise the boys. Instead, we caused a permanent underclass that we stick in a ghetto and don't really want to be bothered with except to throw out platitudes. A lot of black people did go to college and now there are two generations of black middle and upper-class with good high paying jobs.
Pamela Smart - the Data Lounge
Aug 19, 2014 · Pamela destroyed any credibility regarding her innocence during a tv special about the case years ago. During the special, Pam was interviewed by the host and towards the end of the show, Pam (who of course proclaimed her innocence throughout) was asked "if Billy were able to say one thing to you right now, what do you think it would be?"
Sneakily conservative filmmakers? - the Data Lounge
May 4, 2022 · "Her original plan was to write, direct, and star it as Riefenstahl; she's now too old to play her during her Third Reich fame. "Jodie could still play her in her wildlife, environmentalist, deep sea diving phase. Riefenstahl is indeed a fascinating subject.
James Taylor - the Data Lounge
Feb 17, 2020 · While in rehab, he had written most of the songs for his second album, his breakout, Sweet Baby James. He enlisted King to play keyboard; he then played on her 1971 album Tapestry.