JabRef - Free Reference Manager - Stay on top of your Literature
This is why we develop JabRef as free open-source software and save your data in a simple text-based file format with no vendor lock-in. Created by researchers, for researchers. JabRef is developed and maintained by a multidisciplinary core team of PhD students, postdocs, and researchers in industry who work on JabRef in their free time.
Installation - JabRef
If you want to setup JabRef for development, follow the instructions for setting up a workspace. To build JabRef from source, you first need to have a working Java Development Kit (see above link for details) and Git installed on your system.
Getting started - JabRef
JabRef for beginners (Part 1): JabRef interface and creating a library by James Azam (youtube - English - 14 minutes - April 2021) JabRef for beginners (Part 2): How to manage and cite references in MS Word and LaTeX by James Azam (youtube - English - 11 minutes - April 2021)
Installation - JabRef
For stable versions, head to https://downloads.jabref.org, choose the installer and run it. On Windows, you can use the chocolatey package manager and execute choco install jabref to get the latest version. On Ubuntu, you can use snap install …
Browser Extension - JabRef
JabRef offers an official browser extension. It automatically identifies and extracts bibliographic information on websites and sends them to JabRef with one click. When you find an interesting article through Google Scholar, the arXiv or journal websites, this browser extension allows you to add those references to JabRef.
Contribute to JabRef
We are really happy that you are interested in contributing to JabRef. Please take your time to look around here. We especially invite you to look into our community members page where members introduce themselves.
Comment on an entry | JabRef
JabRef's entry editor showing the general comment field and a comment of another user.
Resources - JabRef
JabRef can help you refactor your reference list by automatically abbreviating or unabbreviating journal names, as explained in the dedicated help. Although JabRef comes with a build-in list of journals, additional lists are available at https://abbrv.jabref.org.
IEEEXplore - JabRef
Configuration of JabRef. Frequently Asked Questions and Howtos Powered by GitBook. On this page. Was this helpful? Edit on GitHub. Export as PDF. Finding, Sorting, and Cleaning Entries; Searching externally using Online Services; IEEEXplore. IEEEXplore is a scholarly research database that indexes ...
Uncaught exception occurred in Thread[#42,JavaFX Applicaiton
Jun 4, 2024 · Hi there, I connected to a PostgreSQL database via JabRef and made some changes that were somehow not synchronized with the database. Eventually, the connection broke and now I receive the error mentioned in the title w…