JabRef - Free Reference Manager - Stay on top of your Literature
This is why we develop JabRef as free open-source software and save your data in a simple text-based file format with no vendor lock-in. Created by researchers, for researchers. JabRef is developed and maintained by a multidisciplinary core team of PhD students, postdocs, and researchers in industry who work on JabRef in their free time.
Getting started - JabRef
JabRef for beginners (Part 1): JabRef interface and creating a library by James Azam (youtube - English - 14 minutes - April 2021) JabRef for beginners (Part 2): How to manage and cite references in MS Word and LaTeX by James Azam (youtube - English - 11 minutes - April 2021)
Installation - JabRef
If you want to setup JabRef for development, follow the instructions for setting up a workspace. To build JabRef from source, you first need to have a working Java Development Kit (see above link for details) and Git installed on your system.
Browser Extension - JabRef
JabRef offers an official browser extension. It automatically identifies and extracts bibliographic information on websites and sends them to JabRef with one click. When you find an interesting article through Google Scholar, the arXiv or journal websites, this browser extension allows you to add those references to JabRef.
New LaTeX Bibliography Style (bst) with support for "file ... - JabRef
2024年4月22日 · I recently released a new LaTeX Bibliography Style (bst) file on Github (link: https://github.com/beckus/ieeetranplus), which I thought could be useful to the JabRef community. Notably it provides support for the JabRef “file” field within a LaTeX bibliography. I’ve provided some more details below.
Comment on an entry | JabRef
JabRef's entry editor showing the general comment field and a comment of another user.
Searching within the library - JabRef
JabRef offers operators for the fielded search. The general idea is to have = for contains search and == for exact matches. Then, the ! can be used to force case-sensitive matching (when used at the end) and as negation, when used in front.
Custom export filters - JabRef
The custom export format of JabRef is an alternative to the Citation Style Language, which is an XML-based format to describe bibliographic rendering. Existing public files are collected at https://layouts.jabref.org .
Jab ref not connecting to open office - Java problem?
2024年12月3日 · JabRef 3.8.2 linux 6.8.0-49-generic amd64 Java 21.0.5 (both installed from Linux Mint. When I start a manual connect to a libreoffice document, I get this msg: [/home/ian/Documents/D/Mes_documents/24/JabRef installation/Sans titre.png](https:///home/ian/Documents/D/Mes_documents/24/JabRef installation/Sans titre.png)
Windows - JabRef
Q: How can I use JabRef as backend for Microsoft Word? You can directly use the references in Word's internal reference manager. Short explanation: Export your bibliography in XML format and replace the Sources.xml in %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Bibliography .