How was the vector cross product derived? - Physics Forums
Oct 17, 2005 · jxk=Ci j'xi'=-Ck' kxj=-Ci k'xk'=0 ixi=0 collecting things up again ixi=0 ixj=Ck ixk=-Cj jxi=-Ck jxj=0 jxk=Ci kxi=Cj kxj=-Ci kxk=0 So any such product is a multiple of the standard one in which C is chosen C=1 giving ixi=0 ixj=k ixk=-j jxi=-k jxj=0 jxk=i kxi=j kxj=-i kxk=0 Similar reasoning applies to higher products a.bxc=axb.c is the only ...
What is the cross product of 5k and 3i+4j? - Physics Forums
Sep 27, 2013 · The basic rules for the cross product is that ixj= k, jxk= i, kxi= j, the cross product is "anti- symmetric" (uxv= -vxu), and linear. The fact that the cross product is linear means that 5k x(3i+ 4j)= 15 kxi+ 20 kxj.
Stuck on a few Vector homework problems - Physics Forums
Sep 2, 2019 · I'm stuck on a few Vector homework problems. I don't quite understand how to write vectors A+B and A-B for questions 1b and 2b. I tried starting with calculating the magnitude for vector A+B on question 1b and then followed by finding theta, but I'm not sure if that's what I'm supposed to do...
Why Is the Cross Product Perpendicular to Its Constituent Vectors?
Aug 13, 2013 · This is basically by convention. ixj = k, jxk = i, kxi=j. If you reversed one sign, you would need to reverse the others. Essentially you need this so that a set of mutually perpendicular vectors, defined with cross product, would not change when rigidly rotated.
What are these formulas? (WX=...cm^3 and Jx=....cm^4) - Physics …
Jun 13, 2020 · Jx is probably 2nd moment of area (aka moment of inertia) about x-axis , seeing as its units are cm4. and Wx is probably section modulus about x axis