ATORCH J7-c - sigrok
The ATORCH J7-c is a USB load meter which can measure various properties for USB devices including their voltage, current, power, resistance, capacity, temperature, data line voltage, and charging mode. Communicates to the host by means of serial over bluetooth. It features the following connectors :
sonofusion82/j7-c_usb_meter: J7-C USB Tester - GitHub
Recently bought a J7-C USB tester to measure charging voltage/current. It also features Bluetooth interface to connect to Android apk or PC app for data logging. But I'm a little squirmish about side-loading application from a dubious mediafile folder.
HOMMIE J7-C USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Connect power supply equipment (Such as charger, power bank, USB cable,etc.) to the corresponding input interface of this USB tester. Then, connect your device, such as Laptop, …
J-7D | War Thunder Wiki
The J-7D (Chinese: 歼-7D型歼击机, AKA J-7IIIA 歼-7IIIA; unified NATO codename: Fishcan) was an upgrade of the previous J-7C (J-7III), which was based on Egyptian MiG-21MFs with domestic avionics and HUD.
J7c Usb voltage tester with PD support and Quick charge QC
USB meter: USB Digital Tester J7-c (Juwei) - BudgetLightForum.com
Nov 26, 2017 · Usb-c has a resistor to trigger power output on dual purpose usb connectors. USB data works fine. Meter has a buzzer. M1: 37,5°C, HS1: 39,6°C. This meter do not have very high resolution, but is precise enough for most purposes.
J-7C | Wargame Wiki | Fandom
The Chengdu J-7C is a Chinese licence built version of the Soviet MiG-21 that first appeared in Wargame: Red Dragon. Chengdu J-7 on Wikipedia.
炬为彩屏十字表(JUWEI J7-c) - 拆机乐园 数码之家
Jan 7, 2019 · 相关帖子. • usb彩屏仪表时不时死机拆了看看; • 给彩屏电池容量内阻测试仪盖房子 装空调; • 五一开车活动延长至5月6日t12白光大彩屏电烙铁控制板; • 首发到手价 5499 元,小米米家冰箱十字对开门603l冰晶岩开启预约; • 自制彩屏点焊机; • 直降1120元:小米米家冰箱十字对开门606l墨青岩开启预售 ...
J7-c USB Tester English Manual (SZB) | PDF | Usb | Power Supply
The USB Energy Tester can be used to test power from various USB sources like notebooks, mobile phone chargers, power packs, etc. and loads like mobile phones. 2.
炬为J7C系列充电器,是炬为推出的充电器。 共有3款产品 >> 总结: 反应很灵敏,即插即用, 便携性能:体积很小 装兜里很方便 安全性能:感觉应该很安全,不会坏掉 做工质... 做工质感:有一点脆的感觉,用起来怕断掉。 便携性能:很小巧,比较方便携带。 其他特色:还算比较精准,功率显示也很直观。 充电速度:这个是根据你充电头和充电线支持的最高决定的,跟这个没关系。 充电速度:完美支持各大协议功率。 实测小米魔改和苹果 iPhone iPad pro 的PD完美跑满峰 …
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