General Electric J47 - Wikipedia
The General Electric J47 turbojet (GE company designation TG-190) was developed by General Electric from its earlier J35. [1] It first flew in May 1948. The J47 was the first axial-flow turbojet approved for commercial use in the United States.
Cold War Child: How the GE J47 Became the World’s Most …
Jul 1, 2019 · Touted as “the all-weather engine,” the J47 was the first turbojet with an anti-icing system in which hollow frame struts allowed passage of heated air from the compressor. Developed largely by Burgess and Joe Buechel, the anti-icing system was key to meeting demanding missions of fighter jets at high altitude.
General Electric J47 Turbojet - National Museum of the USAF
The J47 was developed by the General Electric Co. from the earlier J35 engine and was first flight-tested in May 1948 as a replacement for the J35 used in the North American XF-86 Sabre. In September 1948 a J47 powered an F-86A to a new world's speed record of 670.981 mph.
General Electric J47涡喷发动机 技术手册,非科普,专业版 - 科创网
May 4, 2014 · j47是第一种被美国民用航空局(caa)批准可以民用的涡轮喷气发动机,也是第一种使用电控加力燃烧室增加推力的喷气发动机。 j47主要用于f-86战斗机和b-36、b-47轰炸机,到1956年停产共生产了约36500台,在美军中用到1978年,生命周期长达30年 品规格(j47-ge-25)[ …
通用电气J47 - 华文百科 - wikii.one
J47是美国第一个批准用于商业用途的 轴向流涡轮喷气机。 它被用于许多类型的飞机中,在1956年停止生产之前制造了30,000多个飞机。 它一直在美国军方服务,直到1978年为止。 Packard 建造了3,025台发动机。 1978年,当空军国民警卫队退休时,J-47被正式从主动的军事职责中撤回。 尽管如此,这些发动机仍在平民拥有的F-86军刀喷气机中广泛使用,这使它们在空中表演中很常见。 J47设计使用了 TG-180/J35 发动机的经验,该发动机于1948年被 Flight Magazine描述为使用 …
航空史秘闻——GE的航空发动机是怎样诞生的? - 搜狐
Sep 25, 2017 · ge富有创新精神的工程师们成功研发出了性能更出色的使用轴流式压气机的 j47发动机。 这款发动机被广泛用于F-86战斗机、B-36战略轰炸机等飞机上,曾生产了多达35000台, 是历史上生产数量最多的一款喷气式航空发动机!
General Electric J47 - Aviation History
The General Electric J47 turbojet engine (GE company designation TG-190) was developed by General Electric from its earlier J35 engine. It first flew in May 1948 and was the first axial-flow turbojet approved for commercial service, and the first to use an electrically-controlled afterburner to boost its thrust in the United States.
GE航发/燃机产量信息拾遗 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
到1956年停产,GE公司共生产交付了36500多台各种型号的J47发动机。 [1] 1967年GE达到年产1750台J79的高峰期。 [2] 1968年10月以前,在C-5A银河运输机发动机 TF39 的研制过程中,GE共制造了70台份试验机。 [3] 1971年,J79作为美国明星战机 F-104G 的发动机,在欧洲共生产了2000多台,其中475台油西德生产,用于德国F-4G"幽灵"战机。 [4] 1979年2月,随着美国海军在原有800架F-18“大黄蜂”飞机的基础上追加500多架F404订单, F404发动机 采购数量达到3000 …
General Electric J47 - Wikiwand
The General Electric J47 turbojet was developed by General Electric from its earlier J35. It first flew in May 1948. The J47 was the first axial-flow turbojet approved for commercial use in the United States. It was used in many types of aircraft, and more than 30,000 were manufactured before production ceased in 1956.