Pneumatic Hoists, Crane Systems & Custom Solutions - J.D. Neuhaus
J.D. Neuhaus is the world's leading manufacturer of pneumatic & hydraulic hoists, crane systems and custom solutions - Made in Germany.
Downloads - J.D. Neuhaus – Permanent Excellence - JDN English
In this section, J.D. Neuhaus provides you with information for downloading, printing out and archiving.
tecHNicAl DAtA JDN air hoiSTS Profi 3Ti/6Ti-SubSea Dimensions ProFi 3ti-sUBseA 6ti-sUBseA air pressure range psi bar 85 6 85 6 Carrying capacity mt 3.2 6.3
J.D. Neuhaus Group | Druckluft Hebezeuge, Kräne & Hubwerke
J.D. Neuhaus ist der weltweit führende Hersteller für Hydraulische & Druckluft Hebezeuge, Krananlagen und Systemlösungen – Made in Germany
JDN mini - Air hoist series up to 980kg load capacity - JDN English
The compact solution for maximum requirements – the JDN mini. Compact, powerful and unique in its class – the mini is the most compact air hoist with a load capacity of up to 980 kg.
J.D. Neuhaus GmbH & Co. KG // Windenstraße 2-4 // 58455 Witten // Germany Phone +49 2302 208-0 // Fax +49 2302 208-286 // [email protected] // jdngroup.com IN „FOOD GRADE“ AUSFÜHRUNG diums Druckluft sind die Hebezeuge ex-geschützt, so dass sie z. B. auch in Bereichen eingesetzt werden können, in denen entzündliche orga-
Controls - J.D. Neuhaus – Permanent Excellence
JDN air hoists and cranes are available with various controls to suit your special necessities.
EH Series pneumatic - J.D. Neuhaus – Permanent Excellence
EH Series pneumatic. The pneumatic EH Series is predestined for moving heavy loads in low rooms. Depending on the application the pneumatic EH Series can be used as a double hoist.
History - J.D. Neuhaus – Permanent Excellence - JDN English
J.D. Neuhaus has been moving loads for more than 275 years. When Johann Diederich Neuhaus built his first wooden shaft winch in 1745, he presumably had no idea how decisive it would later become for the effortless movement of heavy loads.
Trolleys - J.D. Neuhaus – Permanent Excellence - JDN English
Low Headroom Trolleys. Carrying capacities: from 0,5 t up to 6,3 t. When only low headroom is available and the standard trolleys don’t meet the requirements we recommend the low headroom trolleys where the air hoists are horizontally mounted.