Judge Krista J. Jass - Minnesota Judicial Branch
Judge Krista J. Jass. Blue Earth County Courthouse Fifth Judicial District (507) 594-3055 Fifth Judicial District Judicial Officers. Appointed/Elected: Appointed Dec. 30, 2010, by Governor Tim Pawlenty. Elected in 2012, 2018, and 2024. Term expires Jan. 2031. Education:
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation - JASSS
2021年4月1日 · J. Gareth Polhill, Lee-Ann Sutherland and Nicholas M. Gotts Simulation of the Long-Term Effects of Decentralized and Adaptive Investments in Cross-Agency Interoperable and Standard IT Systems Sungho Lee
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
The Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences (JASS; J. Astron. Space Sci.) is the official publication of the Korean Space Science Society (KSSS), the most prestigious academic society in the fields of space science and space applications in Korea.
Journal of Applied Surface Science(JASS) - jphysicschem.com
Journal DOI: 10.33140/JASS. Journal of Applied Surface Science is a peer reviewed, open access scientific journal that publishes research articles, review, commentary, short communication, and letter to editor, Conference Proceedings in the study of discussion and ideas in the field of surface and nanostructures.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation - Wikipedia
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal created by Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey). [1] . The current editor is Flaminio Squazzoni. The journal publishes articles in computational sociology, social simulation, complexity science, and artificial societies.
简单说一下 T, Jass,和 vJass - CSDN博客
2013年3月10日 · vjass语法包,写jass的辅助语言包,适用于notepad++7的版本,首次使用,打开notepad++,点击用户自定义语言,选择导入这个xml,打开jass文件,语言-选vjass就可以用了 没有包含所有的1.24语法,只有部分1.24常量
Jana Jass - Google Scholar
J Jass, S Schedin, E Fällman, J Ohlsson, UJ Nilsson, BE Uhlin, O Axner. Biophysical journal 87 (6), 4271-4283, 2004. 132: 2004: Prevalence and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in Swedish aquatic environments impacted by household and hospital wastewater. FA Khan, B Söderquist, J Jass.
J. Jass - Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar profile for J. Jass, with 1036 highly influential citations and 379 scientific research papers.
Jass-人工社会与社会模拟杂志杂志-JASSS-J ARTIF SOC S-首页
《人工社会与社会仿真》杂志(The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation,简称JASSS)是一份致力于运用计算机仿真技术探索和理解社会过程的跨学科学术期刊。 该杂志由英国社会学家G.N.吉尔伯特(Geoffrey Nigel Gilbert)于1998年创立,并由欧洲仿真社会联合会所有和管理。 自创刊以来,JASSS已成为社会仿真和在社会科学中应用计算机仿真技术领域的世界级领先刊物。 分区表升级版:旨在解决期刊学科体系划分与学科发展以及融合趋势的不相容问题。
Judge Krista J. Jass | Trellis
Hon. Krista J. Jass is a judge for the 5th Judicial District Court of Minnesota in Blue Earth County. She was appointed to the bench by former Governor Tim Pawlenty on December 30, 2010, filling the vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. Norbert P. Smith (Ret.).
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