IZON. on Steam
In this game, you control the strongest Kyojin and protect the weakest Chibito while exploring Hakoniwa. Kyojin defeats enemies, and Chibito supports with her power of creation.
IZON.|C&R Creative Studios
IZON. is a co-dependent adventure game that unfolds the story of these two beings–the strongest and weakest cast aside by the world. Chibito, targeted by enemies, is extremely vulnerable and would quickly lose her life without constant protection.
IZON. - Gematsu
IZON. is an action adventure video game developed by CREEK & RIVER. About. Chibito, who possesses the power of creation, and Kyojin, a weapon of destruction, overcome obstacles...
IZON. - Steam Community
Chibito, who possesses the power of creation, and Kyojin, a weapon of destruction, overcome obstacles and gradually understand and depend on each other. In a decadent and beautiful world, they navigate an adventure driven by the conflicting forces of destruction and creation. Most popular community and official content for the past week. (?) Hello.
Izon (2025) - GOG.com
The game features turn-based combat with an active time element, a customizable Materia system for abilities, and unique Limit Break attacks for each character. Players explore 3D …
IZON. - SteamDB
4 days ago · In a decadent and beautiful world, they navigate an adventure driven by the conflicting forces of destruction and creation. IZON. Steam charts, data, update history.
1 day ago · クリーク・アンド・リバー社は本日(2025年3月21日),造形作家Yoshi.氏が手掛けるカプセルトイ「紡ギ箱」シリーズを原作とする新作アクション ...
3月21日発売!『IZON. 第1節 封厄ノ塔』がSteamで登場、発売記 …
1 day ago · 不思議で不気味な世界観を持つアドベンチャーゲーム『IZON. 第1節 封厄ノ塔』が発売 株式会社クリーク・アンド・リバー社(以下C&R社)が、造形作家Yoshi.氏と共同で開発したゲーム『IZON. 第1節 封厄ノ塔』(以下『IZON.』)が2025年3月21日(金)より、オンラインゲーミングプラットフォーム ...
共依存アドベンチャー『IZON. 第1節 封厄ノ塔』3月21日発売&資 …
5 days ago · 第1節 封厄ノ塔』(以下『IZON.』)を開発しております。 このたび、同ゲームを3月21日(金)にオンラインゲーミングプラットフォーム「Steam」で発売することを決定いたしました。
Countdown To Izon | PC Release Date
What is Izon? Chibito, who possesses the power of creation, and Kyojin, a weapon of destruction, overcome obstacles and gradually understand and depend on each other. In a decadent and beautiful world, they navigate an adventure driven by the conflicting forces of destruction and creation. What platforms can Izon be played on? PC