"Its" as a Possessive Pronoun - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年7月30日 · Since its can be both determiner possessive pronoun and nominal possessive pronoun, an example of its as determiner possessive pronoun would be: We saved this question for last because of its complexity. Because complexity is a noun, so its must be a determiner possessive pronoun in this sentence.
Correct usage of pronoun: "their" vs "its" [closed]
It depends what the pronoun "it" is meant to refer to. If "it" refers to the stones, then it should be "they" since there are multiple stones. However, consider the following: The ring was quite impressive, solid gold with many fine rubies. The stones were small, but its value was great because of its age.
pronouns - Its vs it's when "it" is the noun? - English Language ...
2020年4月16日 · When used as pronoun, it's "its", but what if "it" is used as the word "it" itself, a noun? For example: "Its function is to substitute a neuter object." vs. "It's function is to substitute a neuter object." The first one sounds like it's about an object from context, not the word "it", and the second one I have mixed feelings about.
pronouns - Why do we use "its" for possessive? - English …
Why doesn't “its” have an apostrophe? Generally, there is an apostrophe when someone possesses something: That's Gerald's cat. Gerald's cat is dead. But when it comes to the possessive of it, its is correct, and not it's. The common house cat is endeared for its ability to land on its feet. Why is this? If Gerald's is correct, why is it's ...
pronouns - Use of "it" and "its" for people and animals - English ...
A version with the pronoun might read like: Fear is the essential attribute of humans, and plays a crucial role in their survival. As for animals, you almost always use "it", unless you're talking about a specific animal that has been personified/humanized in some way, or that the speaker has an emotional attachment to (usually a pet).
pronouns - Why doesn't "its" have an apostrophe? - English …
The ending was thus often identical with the pronoun his, which commonly lost its h when unstressed. Thus there was no difference in pronunciation between stonis and ston is (his), and as early as the thirteenth century the ending was something written separately as through the possessive case were a contraction of a noun and the pronoun his .
pronouns - Using 'her' vs. 'its' to refer to a country - English ...
2014年10月24日 · Historically, "her" was commonly used as a pronoun for not only women, but also for both countries and ships (e.g. sailing vessels). However, that usage has more or less fallen out of favor, and instead "its" has become the preferred pronoun. Nevertheless, you'll still see "she" or "her" used depending on the preferences of the author.
pronouns - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2022年7月12日 · @Lambie the thing is, "its" is the newest pronoun -- discounting the gender neutral neopronouns that never caught on -- replacing "his" in the neuter, and is etymologically "it" plus the genitive clitic, which by that time was spelled with an apostrophe.
grammar - Pronoun: what does it refer to here? - English …
A is the subject of the sentence, and it is its pronoun, so it is A. In other words, the sentence could have been written as "A differs from B in that A is," but it's more elegant to use the pronoun "it," instead. Incidentally, "it" is not a preposition; it's a pronoun.
word choice - Should I use "his/her" or "its"? - English Language ...
2010年10月14日 · In the generic case, refer to the user as "they", which serves as a somewhat suitable gender-neutral pronoun if you use it intermittently. Try to to strike a good mix between "the user" and "they." Using one over the other consistently starts to sound redundant and somewhat forced.