"I'm OK with it" VS "It's OK with me"
Aug 29, 2021 · "I'm OK with it" and It's OK with me" (or "by me") are vague statements. "OK" could refer to the color, my attitude, your question, the idea of painting. It could mean "just fine" or "who cares" or "just stop asking." There is no way to attach precise meaning. Funadamentally, there is no difference between "OK with me" and "OK with it."
politeness - Is it OK to respond to "thanks" with "sure"? - English ...
Aug 29, 2020 · It depends on the person you are speaking to and the way you say it. I don't think sure is a common way to respond to thanks, because it's potentially ambiguous.
word request - How to say formally if something is "OK" - English ...
Oct 3, 2015 · Several words could be substituted for OK, but it would depend on what you wish to convey. For example: Permitted: Having permission to do so. Allowed: Permitted by the recipients policy regarding replies. Proper: Appropriate given the content of the reply
"Hello, This is" vs "My Name is" or "I am" in self introduction
Dec 1, 2017 · Having said that, I think there is a tinge of racism to not accept e.g. "Myself X" as proper English. My reason for this is no one says that calling a friend "mate" or "dude" is annoying or wrong english.
Okey mackey - WordReference Forums
Aug 28, 2017 · Es imposible saberlo. La versión mexicana “okey maguey” aparece en un libro de 1975, pero un libro de 1976 la menciona como mexicanismo y eso hace pensar que es más antigua.
What else can we say instead of "I see" or "I understand"?
Jan 31, 2015 · "Ok." (from the original post) "I see." (from the original post) "Right." (from the original post) "I get it." (from MARamezani's comment) "I grok" would not be appropriate for your example. "Grokking" is even less formal than "seeing", and …
"Understood" for replying to given information or an explanation
Sep 1, 2020 · When someone explained something to me and I understood the explanation, does it sound ok to reply "Understood."? Example 1 A: He will come late to the office today due to a delay of the train. B: OK, understood. Example 2 A. Please ask Mr. XX about it because he's in charge of it. B. Understood. Thanks.
grammaticality - Is saying "...no matter whether ..." OK or a ...
Apr 8, 2016 · OK, I think putting "no matter" in front of a clause without squeezing "whether" or "if" between them is probably grammatically incorrect. I made that kind of sentences because I just saw some examples in the web dictionary, such as "no matter the score, Mississippi football fans always win the tailgate."
politeness - "Please Find Attached or "Please Find Enclosed" in a ...
Jul 7, 2016 · In email writing, when we are attaching any document, what is the correct, formal and more polite way to write: Please find attached "Monthly status report" PDF for your reference. Please find
grammar - "It works" vs "It is working" - English Language …
The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. a) It is working again. It has been repaired. b) It works again. It has been repaired. What is the difference in meaning between those two ways of saying. I'm interested in all the subtleties.