ISTJ Jobs | Personality Cafe
2012年12月27日 · ISTJ in university here, currently employed as an assistant librarian. In the past I've been a babysitter, clarinet tutor, shelver, and shop assistant. If it pays the bills it pays the bills. I'd scrub public toilets if I had to. ...but please don't make me work in a call centre. PLEASE.
ISTJ Careers/ Jobs | Personality Cafe
2016年8月2日 · One of my best friends is an ISTJ and she's going into either finance or supply chain management. I think ISTJs are stereotypically quite good at business. All this being said, however, ISTJs strike me as hardworking, dutiful people. …
The ISTJ Child | Personality Cafe
2009年10月14日 · The ISTJ child will probably thrive with a schedule, and be upset when off schedule; The ISTJ child will feel secure in a home environment and very insecure when not in it; It can take some time for the ISTJ child to get used to new surroundings…so frequent moves can unsettle the ISTJ child
ISTJ: Human Resources Career? | Personality Cafe
2017年10月19日 · Ultimately, human resources is about people, and to some extent you're going to have to work with them. Sometimes hiring, sometimes firing. If you're the kind of ISTJ that really doesn't want to really spend too long bothering about people directly then you might be better in a less people-oriented administrative field.
Mechanics: ISTJ vs. ISTP | Personality Cafe
2014年8月21日 · ISTJ approach to mechanics is more about making something work well. They don't care if it blinks, jumps or rotates, it's the final result what matters. That can be applied to other domains as well, the mechanics has relatively simple set of rules to follow and that's why it's approachable to many ISTJs, especially those with visual/spatial ...
Careers for ISTJ - Personality Cafe
2008年11月4日 · My dad is an ISTJ, and he has very good taste in music. He listens to it almost constantly. He isn't very expressive about his feelings, but he clearly has feelings underneath his rigid exterior. The music touches the emotional side of him that isn't visible. Every ISTJ that I have known in real life has been interested in art or music.
What do you guys think of this career for an ISTJ-College Counselor?
2010年9月10日 · We can learn how to deal with any task as we go along with time. Sometimes sooner and sometimes later. If you are in the job on a regular basis then you would learn sooner. Its possible to remain an ISTJ and yet have many traits required to be a career counselor for you would eventually learn with the job.
What are some of your careers/college majors? | Personality Cafe
2014年6月10日 · Most of the ISTJ's I know went into either engineering, computer science or geology/forestry jobs. They like to joke about how boring my IT/ Business degree in logistics/operations management and data analysis is compared to their robotics labs/ fossil hunting camps they get to do in the summer. I do admit that their degrees do seem like fun.
ISTJ and INTJ - friends or enemies? | Personality Cafe
2011年10月20日 · My longest-running friendship is with an ISTJ. He doesn't grasp my sarcasm (or, more likely, doesn't find it amusing) but we both find the same films/shows amusing and we both have zero tolerance for stupidity and illogical behavior. We both bitch about people who make our jobs more difficult and identify with each other's anger and frustration.
ENTP and ISTJ relationship | Personality Cafe
2011年2月4日 · The ENTP does not appreciate the qualities of the ISTJ nor bare her defects and the ISTJ does not appreciate the qualities of the ENTP nor bare his deffects. The ISTJ might initially like the ENTP under the impression he is an ESTP or an ESFP, due to his social persona. The ENTP might initially like the ISTJ under the impression she is an INTJ.