Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
Islamic University is ranked as one of the top public universities in Bangladesh as well as the largest seat of higher education in the south-western part of the country. Situated 24 …
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
Situated 24 kilometers south of Kushtia and 22 kilometers north of Jhenidah district-town in a lush green countryside, the university is by-passed by Khulna-Kushtia National Highway which …
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
Registrar: Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Tel : +88 071 74904 (off) Mob : Email : [email protected] Fax : +880 71 74905. Information Officer
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
Islamic University, Kushtia a modern responsive website. Developed By e-Business Soft Solution Ltd.
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
Informal Islamic Education in Bangladesh: Objectives and Characteristics the Journal of Islamic Education and Research, Islamic University, Kushtia. ISSN: 2070-8041 2007 Click Here
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
The library is a member of Bangladesh University Grants Commission Digital Library and of many other international consortiums. Through UDL it has been linked with 13 E-Publishers (ACM, …
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
The Department is actively involved in research programs in the relevant areas of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Quran, Al-Hadith and others field of Arabic and Islamic …
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
Islamic University, 1st Year BTIS(Hons) Admission Test 2022-23, 1st Merit List of Unit-D. VIEW
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh
Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Islamic University (IU),Kushtia, Bangladesh. The mission of the faculty is to explore new frontiers of Engineering and …
Islamic University | Kushtia, Bangladesh - iu.ac.bd
Md. Zakaria Rahman, PhD Currently a Professor of Management at Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh.