Indago 4 - UAV | Lockheed Martin
Ruggedized, backpackable and rapidly deployable, the Indago system fits within a small backpack and deploys in approximately 2 minutes. With industry-leading endurance, high-resolution payload options, a low acoustic signature and new on-edge computing, Indago 4 …
refinement and feedback from our customer base, our latest sUAS solution is the Indago 3 system. With a low acoustic signature, ruggedized dependability, and rucksack portability the Indago 3 System is successfully deployed in support …
Indago 3 Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) - Airforce Technology
2017年5月11日 · The Indago 3 quad-rotor unmanned aerial system (UAS) is the newest variant of the Indago UAS developed by Lockheed Martin. It offers superior reliability and ruggedness when compared to other UAS in its class.
2017年5月8日 · quadrotor unmanned aerial system (UAS), Indago 3, now enables military customers to securely complete sensitive intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions with the addition of TrellisWare Technologies MANET software products.
Media - Lockheed Martin - Releases
2017年5月8日 · Indago 3 is a military-grade, all-weather quadrotor UAS equipped with TrellisWare Technologies software to provide a long-range, secure ISR platform for sensitive military operations. Photo courtesy Lockheed Martin.
5 Small Unmanned Products to Watch This Year - Lockheed Martin
Take your high endurance, small eye in the sky on the move with Indago 3 Tethered Mobile (Indago 3TM). In partnership with Planck Aerosystems Inc, Indago 3TM enables mobile deployment of tethered Indago on a broad range & size of ground vehicles in off-road terrain while providing long-endurance surveillance and communications relays amongst ...
Indago 3 features an extended hover and fast forward flight capability that provides, civil, commercial and governmental customers with aerial reconnaissance in areas unreachable by current systems.
Indago 3 Drone Breaks Through Every Barrier - Bold Business
2017年5月9日 · Indago 3 is one of the most advanced small drones on the market. It packs into a box that is smaller than a carry-on bag and can be deployed and flown with minutes.
Professional drone Lockheed Martin Indago 3 - AeroExpo
The Lockheed Martin Procerus Technologies Indago possesses vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and small unmanned aerial system (UAS) which brings expeditionary intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) applications. The Indago system weighs less than 10 lbs., fits within a small backpack, and deploys in approximately 2 minutes.
Lockheed Martin Introduces Indago 3 Drone - Design World
2017年5月9日 · The Indago 3 military reconnaissance drone has the longest range in Lockheed Martin’s arsenal, with a 10 kilometer range at a cruise speed of 25 mph. It’s a great advantage when “range anxiety” can affect not just a commute but a soldier’s mission.