InBody 570 Result Sheets
Full-page color result sheets designed for printing InBody 570 results. This sheet displays Body Composition Analysis (Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Dry Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass), Muscle-Fat Analysis, Obesity Analysis, Segmental Lean Analysis, ECW/TBW Analysis, Body Composition History, and Body Fat-Lean Body Mass Control.
570 Result Sheet Interpretation - InBody USA
The InBody Result Sheet displays your body composition measurements in a clear, easy-to-read way to make understanding your results simple. Below, you will find a concise breakdown of each section of the Result Sheet.
Result Sheets - InBody USA
Full-page color result sheets designed for printing InBody 570 results. This sheet displays Body Composition Analysis (Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Dry Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass),... View full product details
Below is the Result Sheet from our flagship model, the InBody 770. Although not all InBody models will have all the outputs shown below, understanding this Result Sheet will help you
InBody Results Interpretation
The Body Composition History allows an individual to track the changes in body composition over their most recent 8 results (if selecting 'recent') or a cumulative graph that shows the progress from the first test results to the most recent results (if selecting 'total')
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Results Sheet Types : Select which results sheets to print among the results sheets provided by the InBody570 (InBody Results Sheet and InBody Results Sheet for Children). Page 10 : Adjust the alignment of where the results will be printed on the results sheets.
InBody570 provides 15 Impedance measurements at each of 5 body parts by using 3 different frequencies (5kHz, 50kHz, 500kHz). Each InBody Test will print out a full-page results sheet detailing the muscle, fat, and water values of the users.