Department of Defense Impact Level 6 - Azure Compliance
2023年4月4日 · Azure Government Secret is the first and only classified cloud service offering (CSO) to have received the highest possible DoD Impact Level 6 (IL6) provisional authorization (PA) at the high confidentiality and high integrity (H-H-x) information categorization.
Information Impact level 6: Accommodates DoD Classified Information up to SECRET * Vendors named within are approved or under contract to provide specified services to DISA or DOD
Understanding DoD Cloud Computing Impact Levels - Second Front
2024年2月22日 · IL5 — IL5 includes higher sensitivity CUI, Mission Critical Information, and NSS. IL5 exists within a narrow category between IL4 and IL6, but it is distinguishable by the inclusion of NSS. DoD ILs are useful labels for a comprehensive security categorization system.
DoD Impact Level 6 (IL6): What You Need to Know | Second Front
2023年4月28日 · What is DoD Impact Level 6 (IL6)? DoD IL6 is a high level security classification for data and information systems within the DoD. It is used for systems that contain data that is deemed critical to national security and that require maximum protection against unauthorized access or manipulation.
Understanding Baselines and Impact Levels in FedRAMP
2017年11月16日 · FedRAMP currently authorizes CSOs at the: Low, Moderate, and High impact levels. Low Impact is most appropriate for CSOs where the loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability would result in limited adverse effects on an …
Azure and other Microsoft cloud services compliance scope
2025年1月27日 · Some Azure services deployed in Azure Government regions US Gov Arizona, US Gov Texas, and US Gov Virginia (US Gov regions) require extra configuration to meet DoD IL5 compute and storage isolation requirements, as explained in Isolation guidelines for Impact Level 5 workloads.
Understanding DoD Impact Levels for Cloud Security
2025年1月15日 · Impact Level 6 (IL6): Classified information up to SECRET. Each impact level has specific security requirements, ensuring that cloud service providers (CSPs) and system owners maintain the appropriate protections for the data they handle. Below, we break down the requirements for each of the DoD IL levels.
A Guide to FedRAMP Levels and DoD Impact Levels for CSPs
2024年1月16日 · The DoD utilizes Impact Levels, ranging from IL2 to IL6, to classify information systems and the data they manage, taking into consideration potential consequences in the event of a compromise.
Section 3 provides guidance to DoD Mission Owners for registering and opening a connection to an authorized CSP-CSO. Appendix H provides guidance for Classified (Information Impact Level 6) cloud connections.
DoD SRG Compliance - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
At Impact Level 6, The AWS Secret Region holds a DoD provisional authorization for workloads up to and including Secret level. A service catalog for the AWS Secret Region is available from your AWS Account Executive.