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What does ik ben mean in Dutch? - WordHippo
Need to translate "ik ben" from Dutch? Here are 2 possible meanings.
The Verb Zijn (To Be) | Dutch Language Blog - Transparent.com …
2012年2月7日 · Here are some examples of the verb at work: Ik ben de lerares. (I am the teacher.) Zij zijn Nederlanders. (They are Dutch.) Zij is een meisje. (She is a girl.) The conjugation of the verb zijn is irregular, just like in English. So, this is …
Ik ben translation in English | Dutch-English dictionary - Reverso
See more translations and examples in context for "Ik ben" or search for more phrases including "Ik ben": "ik ben hier", "ik ben blij dat"
"Zijn" Conjugation - To Be in Dutch
2024年9月2日 · It means ‘to be’ and is used to describe states, identities, and characteristics. This guide will explore the different tenses of zijn. Each tense will include examples and translations. ik ben student. I am a student. jij bent moe. You are tired. hij is dokter. He is a doctor. wij zijn blij. We are happy. jullie zijn studenten.
What is the difference between "ik ben Aleksi" and "ik heet Aleksi ...
2021年4月26日 · Ik ben Aleksi = I am Aleksi Ik heet Aleksi = I'm called Aleksi Basically they're the same, it's just that the used verb is different. 'zijn' is used for a lot of different meanings, just like the English verb 'to be', while 'heten' is used exclusively for indicating names.
ik ben - Translation into English - examples Dutch - Reverso …
Translations in context of "ik ben" in Dutch-English from Reverso Context: ik ben hier, ik ben blij dat, ik ben bang, ik ben bang dat, ik ben van mening dat
ik ben - Vertaling naar Engels - voorbeelden Nederlands
Vertalingen in context van "ik ben" in Nederlands-Engels van Reverso Context: ik ben hier, ik ben blij dat, ik ben bang, ik ben bang dat, ik ben van mening dat
I have been / Ik ben geweest : r/learndutch - Reddit
2021年9月3日 · In English the perfect always uses have as an auxiliary verb, but in Dutch some verbs are combined with to be to form the perfect, including the verb to be itself: Ik ben buiten -> Ik ben buiten geweest (I am outside -> I have been outside)
Dutch Language/The verb "to be" in Dutch - Wikiversity
2021年10月5日 · Learning Dutch - Lesson 2: The verb "to be" in Dutch. You will learn the verb "to be" in several tenses. Notes: Just learn the present and past simple by heart. With the perfect's just put "geweest" after the simple form. Ik was jong, maar nu ben ik …
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