iEDGE | Advance the gospel, make disciples, and mature in Christ, …
iEDGE is a two-year commitment to make disciples of university students overseas. Make unforgettable friends across cultures and plant the gospel deep in their hearts.
About - iEDGE
iEDGE is designed to provide opportunities to grow in vision, character, heart and practical experience. Join like-minded peers to advance the gospel, make disciples, and mature in your …
WHAT IS IEDGE? iEDGE stands for International… As you graduate and are praying over next steps, iEDGE may be on your radar. Please take a moment to read some common FAQs for …
Application - iEDGE
2025年2月15日 · We aren’t looking for perfect people but for recent graduates who are… Walking with God – taking personal responsibility to grow in spiritual disciplines. Developing Ministry …
Stories - iEDGE
Cross-cultural Pressure Cooker Before I went through iEdge I thought of myself as a great person. There were a lot of ways I was faithful to God and to those around me. I looked forward to my …
Meeting an Unknown Need - iEDGE
Accepting an iEDGE team at the beginning of 2020 was a step of faith for The Navigators ministry in Glasgow, Scotland. They wanted the iEDGE team to have a specific role and be seen and …
Australia – iEDGE
At the Australian National University, the team includes an American family of five, an Australian staff member, two first-year iEDGE participants, and several enthusiastic volunteer helpers.
South Africa - iEDGE
iEDGE // South Africa. Destination The Vaal region is located south of Johannesburg, South Africa. It is strategically placed as the meeting point of major provinces in South Africa. The …
Journey into Freedom - iEDGE
Rather, first talk with your discipler, your campus director, and the Navigators iEDGE team about the state of your spiritual health – they are for you! – and trust that God will use you in exactly …
Pray - iEDGE
Would you commit to setting an alarm to pray at 9:38 AM or PM for these two things? For the fulfillment of the Great Commission and that God would raise up and send laborers into His …