Idaho Air National Guard - Military Division
2024年9月18日 · The Idaho Air National Guard facilitates critical training to the nation’s combat air power through its range squadron, which provides not only highly advanced ground-to-air threat training, but also provides air space traffic control to combat units training in the more than 10,000 square miles of premier training air space in the local area
F-16 Basing Proposal at Gowen Field - Military Division
2023年9月15日 · Gov. Brad Little and members of Idaho’s congressional delegation are proud to announce that the U.S. Air Force has identified the Idaho Air National Guard’s 124th Fighter Wing to potentially receive an F-16 Fighting Falcon mission at Gowen Field in Boise, Idaho. F-16s are expected to begin arriving at Gowen Field in 2027.
Idaho National Guard - Military Division
2024年5月6日 · The Idaho National Guard is a major component of the Idaho Military Division. The Idaho National Guard maintains combat readiness to fight and win our nation’s wars, develops and strengthens homeland security and emergency response, and builds and fosters partnerships throughout Idaho, the nation and around the world.
Welcome to Military Division
2025年1月17日 · The Idaho Military Division is comprised of the Idaho Army National Guard, the Idaho Air National Guard, the Idaho Office of Emergency Management, Public Safety Communications, the Idaho Military History Museum, the Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy and STARBASE. The division’s headquarters is located on Gowen Field in Boise with facilities spread throughout the state in nearly two-dozen ...
Idaho Air National Guard Leadership - Military Division
2024年8月1日 · Colonel Kyle E. Carpenter is the Director of Staff, Joint Forces Headquarters, Idaho Air National Guard. He serves as the principal advisor to the Adjutant General and/or Assistant Adjutant on a broad range of matters concerning the …
Our History - Military Division
2024年2月16日 · The Idaho Air National Guard was formally established on September 18, 1947, concurrent with the establishment of the United States Air Force as a separate branch of the United States military. The Idaho Air National Guard deployed three times during the 1990s to the Middle East to enforce the no-fly zone over Iraq. The unit has also deployed ...
Careers - Military Division
2021年9月9日 · Idaho National Guard mobilizes 350 Guardsmen for Presidential Inauguration 60 Helicopter company deploys to National Capital Region U.S. Special Forces, Indian Army bring Vajra Prahar to Idaho
Links and Phone Numbers - Military Division
2023年1月25日 · Air Helpdesk (208) 422-5526 Army Helpdesk (208) 272-3717 Barber (208) 272-8386 Billeting (208) 272-4451 Chaplain Services: 208-272-6468 Education Services Office: 208-272-3615 (Idaho Army National Guard) Service Member & Family Support Programs: 1-800-479-7006 (Idaho Army National Guard) Front Gate (208) 422-5536 ID Cards Bldg 270 (208) 272 ...
Public Affairs - Military Division
2024年5月30日 · Public Affairs fulfills the Idaho National Guard’s obligation to keep its military members and the citizens of Idaho informed. The Public Affairs office helps establish the conditions that lead to confidence in Idaho’s National Guard and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war.
Our Benefits - Military Division
2019年4月17日 · Among the benefits you’ll find in the Idaho Army National Guard: Monthly Paycheck In the Idaho Army National Guard, you’ll earn a paycheck fir every day you work, whether it’s for two days of monthly drill, two weeks of annual training, or deployment at home or overseas. Click here to see how much you can expect to earn as a part-time ...