Icom ID-4100 quick review - QRZ Forums
2017年6月16日 · Icom ID-4100 quick review. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KJ4YZI, Jun 16, 2017. Tags: ...
id-4100 - QRZ Forums
2017年2月18日 · Icom ID-4100 quick review. In this video, just checking out the latest ID-4100 50 watt Dstar mobile by ...
Icom ID-4100A vs ID-880H Smackdown | QRZ Forums
2017年8月29日 · AmateurLogic.TV's ID-4100A vs ID-880H Smackdown [ATTACH] George and Tommy from Amateur Logic TV compare the ID-4100A and the ID-880H.
Icom ID-4100A release debut - QRZ Forums
2017年2月18日 · Icom Japan announced today they will be releasing a new 50W dual band mobile called the ID-4100A.A welcome replacement for the recently retired ID-880H, the new …
Icom ID-4100A release debut | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
2017年2月18日 · I feel that Icom has pulled a fast one on America since the 4100 uses a form of call sign routing to accomplish what the call an access point. I found this on W6CX website …
Icom ID-5100A Setup - QRZ Forums
2018年4月28日 · Icom has done a remarkable job with the ID-5100A and ID-4100. I say this as it took me several days, more like a week, and many hours of YouTube videos to finally figure …
Icom ID-4100A vs ID-880H Smackdown | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2017年8月29日 · I replaced the radio with an ICOM 4100a so it's not an issue for me & I gave the 880H to my neighbor & I Sold my 2820H to a friend. I Rarely use the 4100a for D-STAR …
Icom ID-4100A release debut | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2017年2月20日 · Integrated GPS unlike the 880, was always a major lacking feature for a D-Star mobile, also terminal and access point mode will negate the use for...
Icom ID-5100A Setup | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
2018年4月28日 · Icom has done a remarkable job with the ID-5100A and ID-4100. I say this as it took me several days, more like a week, and many hours of YouTube videos to finally figure …
Icom ID-5100A Mobile Install | QRZ Forums
2018年5月14日 · Now that the radio is setup it is time to install the Icom ID-5100A into my Honda Pilot. Since I am not one who is willing to drill holes or cut through the rubber boots in the …