Ichthyostega - Wikipedia
Ichthyostega (from Greek: ἰχθῦς ikhthûs, 'fish' and Greek: στέγη stégē, 'roof') is an extinct genus of limbed tetrapodomorphs from the Late Devonian of what is now Greenland. It was among the earliest four-limbed vertebrates ever in the fossil record and was one of the first with weight-bearing adaptations for terrestrial locomotion.
鱼石螈属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
魚石螈屬(學名:Ichthyostega)是一支生活在泥盆纪晚期的堅頭類 四足动物,为化石纪录最早的四足动物类群之一。 拥有 肺 和四肢,帮助牠们在 沼泽 的浅水中游动。
Ichthyostega | Devonian period, tetrapod, aquatic | Britannica
Ichthyostega, genus of extinct animals, closely related to tetrapods (four-legged land vertebrates) and found as fossils in rocks in eastern Greenland from the late Devonian Period (about 370 million years ago). Ichthyostega was about one metre (three feet) …
鱼石螈 - 百度百科
鱼石螈是已知最古老的 陆生脊椎动物 之一。 从发现的化石来看,它们大约生活在3亿6千万年前。与棘螈相比,鱼石螈的四肢关节非常灵活,肋骨宽大,这些都有利于支撑它的身体在陆上行走,它的 脊椎 上也已经长出了关节突,能够让 脊柱弯曲 活动。 [1]
Phylogenetic Position of Ichthyostega - Tree of Life Web Project
Ichthyostega specimens were the first Devonian tetrapods to be found and described (Säve-Söderbergh 1932, Jarvik 1952, 1980, 1996). Ichthyostega comes from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) of East Greenland and is widely featured in …
Ichthyostega - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ichthyostega was a large animal for its time. It had a strong build and was about 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) long. The skull was low, with the eyes on top. The teeth were large and had many folds (labyrinthodont).The back of the skull had an operculum, which is a flap that covered the gills.There was a hole for breathing behind each eye called otic notch.
Ichthyostega: A Fish with a Roof | Writing in Biology
2019年2月6日 · Ichthyostega lived at the end of the Late Devonian Period and was was one of the first four-limbed vertebrates in the fossil record. It is an early genus of tetrapodmorph, and although its possession of both limbs and fingers has lead to it often being labeled as a tetrapod, it was more primitive than crown tetrapods and could therefore be more ...
Evolutionary Flop: Early 4-Footed Land Animal Was No Walker?
2012年5月25日 · One of our most distant ancestors, Ichthyostega is also one of the earliest tetrapods known to have crept onto land. Until recently, researchers thought the creature squiggled across the mud on...
Ichthyostegalia - Wikipedia
The order Ichthyostegalia was erected for Ichthyostega, and contained until the 1980s only three genera (Ichthyostega, Acanthostega and Tulerpeton). While Ichthyostegalia in principle contain the most basal of animals with toes rather than fins, Clack and Ahlberg uses it for all finds more advanced than Tiktaalik (the closest relative of ...
Ichthyostega - Furman University
Ichthyostega were the first known tetrapods studied from the Devonian period (DevonianTimes 2006; Wikipedia 2010). Ichthyostega was a “labryinthodont”, which is a clade of vertebrates intermediate to fish and amphibians (Wikipedia 2010). Even though it is not considered to be a true amphibian, it does posses key similarities (Wikipedia 2010).