IBR5, a dual-specificity phosphatase-like protein modulating auxin …
Our results suggest that IBR5 is a phosphatase that modulates phytohormone signal transduction and support a link between auxin and abscisic acid signaling pathways. Auxin is an important …
IBR5 Modulates Temperature-Dependent, R Protein CHS3 …
2015年10月9日 · IBR5 encodes a putative dual-specificity protein phosphatase. The accumulation of CHS3 protein at chilling temperatures is inhibited by the IBR5 mutation. Moreover, chs3 …
IBR5, a Dual-Specificity Phosphatase-Like Protein Modulating …
Our results suggest that IBR5 is a phosphatase that modulates phytohormone signal transduction and support a link between auxin and abscisic acid signaling pathways. Auxins are an …
IBR5 Modulates Temperature-Dependent, R Protein CHS3 …
2015年10月9日 · IBR5 encodes a putative dual-specificity protein phosphatase. The accumulation of CHS3 protein at chilling temperatures is inhibited by the IBR5 mutation. Moreover, chs3 …
IBR5, a Dual-Specificity Phosphatase-Like Protein Modulating …
2003年12月1日 · Our results suggest that IBR5 is a phosphatase that modulates phytohormone signal transduction and support a link between auxin and abscisic acid signaling pathways.
The IBR5 phosphatase promotes Arabidopsis auxin responses …
In Arabidopsis, INDOLE-3-BUTYRIC ACID RESPONSE5 (IBR5), a putative dual-specificity protein phosphatase, is a positive regulator of auxin response. Mutations in IBR5 result in …
Alternative splicing of Arabidopsis IBR5 pre-mRNA generates two IBR5 …
2014年8月21日 · The INDOLE-3-BUTYRIC ACID RESPONSE5 (IBR5) gene encodes a dual specificity phosphatase that regulates plant auxin responses. IBR5 has been predicted to …
IBR5 indole-3-butyric acid response 5 [ (thale cress)]
2024年9月18日 · IBR5 is a MAPK phosphatase that dephosphorylates and inactivates MPK12. Data suggest that IBR5 is a phosphatase that promotes auxin responses, including auxin …
Arabidopsis iba response5 suppressors separate responses to …
Auxin-response mutants, including iba response5 (ibr5), exhibit a long root and decreased lateral root production in response to exogenous auxins. ibr5 also displays resistance to the …
Alternative Splicing of Arabidopsis IBR5 Pre-mRNA Generates Two IBR5 …
The INDOLE-3-BUTYRIC ACID RESPONSE5 (IBR5) gene encodes a dual specificity phosphatase that regulates plant auxin responses. IBR5 has been predicted to generate two …