Home Page - IAOA Alliance
Insurance Agency Owners Alliance is the fastest growing group of Independent Insurance Agency Owners in the country. Together we selflessly innovate and collaborate through our private Facebook group with events, webinars, videos, podcasts, luncheons, and more.
IAOA – The International Association for Ontology and its …
FOIS 2025 CFP for main track! The 15th edition of the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS) and the Joint Ontology Workshops Episode XI (JOWO) 2025 will take place at the University of […]
IAOA elections, assemblies, announcements and communications from the President and the EC to the members. IAOA has established an award of honorary fellowships in order to recognize distinguished scholars in the field of applied ontology.
IAOA,International Academy of Orthokeratology-Asia,国际角膜塑 …
Since its establishment in 2012, the International Association of Orthokeratology Asia (IAOA) has held more than 60 training courses and professional academic conferences in optometry, with up to 15 thousand participants**.
Thank you for your interest in joining IAOA! The joining instructions have changed, please review the new ones reported below before proceeding. The new membership scheme is simple: Categories: Only two, individuals and institutions. Fee: Individuals join for free and institutions pay a rate of 150€ per year.
Market Access - IAOA Alliance
IAOA Market Access is a true partner that works tirelessly to help all its agent members, carriers and strategic vendor partners. Join IAOA Market Access Today! IAOA Market Access knows firsthand how collaboration and support help independent insurance agencies grow.
Welcome to the IAOA Wiki, a collaboration space hosted by the International Association for Ontology and its Applications. This Wiki complements the main IAOA website and mailing lists. Its purpose is to support collaboration among IAOA members and on IAOA-supported projects.
IAOA十周年庆典 | 今天18:30起连续3晚直播放送学术大餐
十年前,也就是2012年8月22日,国际近视防控与角膜塑形学会亚洲分会(IAOA)正式在南京成立。 在首任主席谢培英教授和现任主席吕帆教授的带领下,IAOA一直致力于为我国从事角膜塑形镜验配和研究工作的人员提供与国内外交流沟通的平台,提升我国此行业的技术水平、规范行业行为,从而使我国的角膜塑形医学事业得到更快更健康的发展。 在这十年中,根据中国近视防控的需要,IAOA得到快速发展,目前IAOA基础会员已过万人,中国资深会员SIAOA 78 人,国际资深 …
Welcome To IAOA - IAOA Alliance
IAOA is built on the foundation of Selflessness, Innovation, and Collaboration. We believe in selfless sharing and shared experiences to help one another. Our agency owner members encourage and support one another to enhance the independent insurance agency channel. You must be the owner of an independent insurance agency.
致力于为我国从事角膜塑形镜验配和研究工作的人员提供与国内外交流沟通的平台,提升我国此行业的技术水平、规范行业行为,从而使我国的角膜塑形医学事业得到更快更健康的发展. 清晰、舒适、持久、美观. 近视防控. 넳넲. 本网站由阿里云提供云计算及安全服务. 本网站支持IPv6. 本网站由阿里云提供云计算及安全服务. 本网站支持IPv6. 本网站由阿里云提供云计算及安全服务. 本网站支持IPv6. 本网站由阿里云提供云计算及安全服务. 本网站支持IPv6. IAOA秘书线下办事处.