IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart - IQ Comparison Site
IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart. These are IQs, their percentiles, and rarity on a 15 SD (e.g. Wechsler) and 16 SD (e.g. Stanford-Binet) scale. They were calculated using the NORMDIST function in Excel. The number of decimal places for the rarity was varied in …
IQ to Percentile Conversion
The table below provides IQ to percentile conversion formula. There are three different standard deviations used to IQ measurement: standard deviation of 15 (e.g. Wechsler scale), SD16 (e.g. Stanford-Binet scale) and less frequently used SD24 (e.g. Catell scale). Please note that IQ of 196 with SD15 represents one person out of 12 billion.
IQ Percentile Calculator
Mar 12, 2025 · Use a reliable IQ percentile chart or an online IQ percentile calculator to discover your IQ percentile. Recall that the IQ percentile is the percentage of people with an IQ not exceeding your IQ. For instance, if your IQ percentile is 85, this means that only 15% of the population has higher IQs than you!
IQ to Percentile Conversion – IQ Test for Kids
The table below provides IQ to percentile conversion formula . There are three different standard deviations used to IQ measurement: standard deviation of 15 (e.g. Wechsler scale), SD16 (e.g. Stanford-Binet scale) and less frequently used SD24 (e.g. Catell scale). Please note that IQ of 196 with SD15 represents one person out of 12 billion.
IQ Percentile Calculator
An IQ calculator that converts an IQ test score to a percentile of the population. IQ rarity & IQ test percentiles calculator to determine how rare an IQ score is based on the intelligence quotient scale and standard deviation. Interpret your IQ score using an intelligence quotient scale (IQ chart / IQ rarity chart).
IQ Conversion Tools
Dec 3, 2024 · Our IQ calculator relies on percentile matching to convert your IQ score into popular standardized test scores such as SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, MCAT, and LSAT IQ Test Blog
知能指数 (IQ)の理解に重要な「平均」と「標準偏差」とは?
「標準偏差」とはデータのばらつき具合を占める値で、標準偏差が大きい検査ほど、高い点数を取る人と低い点数を取る人の振れ幅 (格差? )が大きいということになります。 標準偏差も知能検査によって値は異なりますが、平均100に対して標準偏差は15前後であることが多いです。 以下、もう少し詳しく。 例えば人の能力を測るためにテストをしたとします。 みんな100点のテストで取った60点と、みんな10点だったテストで取った60点は同じ点数でもその意味は違い …
高智商 - 百度百科
高智商,是指在 专业权威 智商测验 中获得分数≥130(SD=15)者。 按照 离差智商 计算,高智商得分者排在人类智力最高的2%中。 在评价一个人的智商测验成绩中将得分归类之用。 而如果某个人的智商得分超过了130,则这个人就被称为高智商。 高智商可以单指 智商测验 的分数,一般情况下指在智商测验中获得130以上分数的人。 由聪明者建立的一个社团,通过充满挑战性的社团活动而使参加者的高智商获得承认、肯定和不断提高,并分享彼此的 成功感。 除了高智商外, …
智商测试 (2025) | 国际IQ测试(免費) - International IQ test
智商(智力商数)是一种用来对人口进行分类的智力测量。 在这种分布中,98% 的人得分介于 70 到 130 之间,50% 的人得分介于 90 到 110 之间。 智商得分与平均值 100 的差距越大,人数 …
关于高量程智商测试 | HRIQ 高量程智商测试