Institute of Physics - For physics • For physicists • For all ...
We are the professional body and learned society for physics in the UK and Ireland, with an active role in promoting co-operation in physics around the world. We strive to make physics …
Homepage | Institute of Physics
Physics, climate change and sustainability; Policy. IOP asks for government; Physics: investing in our future – powering the new industrial era; Policy statements and consultation responses; …
Membership - Institute of Physics
Broaden your physics knowledge by attending events, conferences and workshops. Learn about the latest discoveries and developments pushing our understanding of physics forward with …
Journals - IOPscience
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; Journal of Physics Communications; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics; Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics; …
IOPscience | Scientific, Technical & Medical Journals
Born-digital essential physics books. Polyadic Algebraic Structures; Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine (Second Edition) Positron Emission Particle Tracking; Approaching Global …
Contact us - Institute of Physics
Contact [email protected] for information on supporting physicists and promoting the benefits of physics through: scientific conferences our special-interest groups
IOP Teacher Training Scholarships 2025-26: apply now - Institute …
The IOP is awarding 175 scholarships worth £31,000 with professional development support to talented individuals who are passionate about physics and have the potential to become …
Careers with physics - Institute of Physics
Wherever you are in your journey with physics, we have resources to help you. Whether you're making subject choices at school or college, a physicist considering professional registration …
IOP Awards | Institute of Physics
The IOP Awards celebrate the people, organisations and achievements that make physics such an exciting discipline. Nominations are now open for the Apprentice Award, the Business …
Support and grants | Institute of Physics
As an IOP Teacher Training Scholar, you’ll receive tax-free funding and be part of a like-minded community with access to masterclasses, physics teacher training workshops and support. …