科学网—ILC2(2型-固有淋巴样细胞)和过继性免疫治疗 - 阎影的 …
2024年1月20日 · ilc2 主要定位于黏膜内组织,如肺、肠道和皮肤,表达gata3转录因子,通过释放促炎细胞因子(如il-4、il-5、il-9、il-13)来调节过敏反应和寄生虫感染。ilc2的抗癌作用尚不完全清楚,有些研究认为ilc2可能与肿瘤的免疫耐受和肿瘤相关的炎症反应调节有关,一些 ...
The group 2 innate lymphoid cell (ILC2) regulatory network and its ...
This comprehensive review affords a better understanding of the regulatory network system for ILC2s, providing impetus to develop new treatment strategies for ILC2-related health problems. Keywords: IL-25; IL-33; ILC2; TSLP.
ILC2 - Wikipedia
ILC2 cells, or type 2 innate lymphoid cells are a type of innate lymphoid cell. Not to be confused with the ILC. They are derived from common lymphoid progenitor and belong to the lymphoid lineage. These cells lack antigen specific B or T cell receptor because of the lack of recombination activating gene. [2]
Heterogeneity of type 2 innate lymphoid cells - Nature
2022年3月30日 · In this Review, we focus on the spectrum of ILC2 phenotypes that have been described across different tissues and disease states with an emphasis on human ILC2s.
固有性淋巴细胞(ILCs)的主要分类和功能 - 科学网博客
2024年1月25日 · ilcs总体上可以分为三个主要亚群:ilc1,ilc2和ilc3,分别在不同的组织和环境中发挥重要的免疫调节作用。 ILCs主要是组织驻留性淋巴细胞,存在并定位于全身各种组织之中。
Group 2 innate lymphoid cells are a non-redundant source of
2024年12月4日 · Nature Communications - Group 2 Innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) are a source of type 2 cytokines, such as interleukin-5 (IL-5). Here Troch, Jakob et al. show a non-redundant role of ILC2-derived...
Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells (ILC2): Type 2 Immunity and …
Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) have emerged as a major component of type 2 inflammation in mice and humans. ILC2 secrete large amounts of interleukins 5 and 13, which are largely responsible for host protective immunity against helminth ...
2023年11月16日 · th2细胞和ilc2产生大量2型炎症因子,如il-4、il-13和il-5,这些细胞因子从多方面介导了2型炎症气道损伤,其中包括气道壁的一系列细胞及分子组成 ...
Group 2 innate lymphoid cells promote inhibitory synapse
Our work identified an immune mechanism that promotes synaptic inhibition in the developing brain. This ILC2–IL-13 neuroimmune circuit acted directly on inhibitory interneurons through a presynaptic mechanism. Interneurons represent a minority (~20%) of cortical neurons but are powerful and dynamic modulators of brain function .
聚焦癌症中的两面派:II 型固有淋巴细胞(ILC2s)|结直肠癌|癌症
2023年2月1日 · ilc2 在癌症中的选择性促肿瘤和抗肿瘤功能示意图。 初步研究表明,ilc2 分泌的 il-5 以及粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子 ( gm-csf ) 均可以激活肺癌和黑色素瘤中 抗肿瘤性的嗜酸性粒细胞 。 il-33 激活的 ilc2 还可以产生凋亡配体并抑制黑色素瘤、淋巴瘤和结肠癌。