Gamers Red Hot with Fury over Intel Core i7-7700 Temperature …
2017年5月4日 · It seems that Intel’s i7-7700 processors have a flaw where temperatures rise as high as 90°C (194°F) at times, even at stock. This problem is reportedly happening even on …
Vanilla i7-7700 temperature question; running a little hot?
2017年3月23日 · Hi, I just upgraded to a Z270 motherboard with an i7-7700 processor. I was a little surprised when running PRIME95 and Intel Burn Test to see it running hotter than the i7 …
Need advice on powering a higher end gpu in a hp elitedesk 800 …
2004年3月25日 · I recently picked up an hp elitedesk 800 g3 sff. It has an i7-7700, 16gb of DDR4 ram, a 180watt psu (*note the psus in these units are proprietary) and I replaced the smaller …
task manager shows 4.02GHz but processor is only 3.60GHz
2017年6月16日 · i have a i7 7700 which is a 3.60 GHz processor, it also says base speed 3.60GHz in the picture, it's not a 7700k, so i can't overclock my processor but my task …
Geforce 1660 Super overheating | [H]ard|Forum
2020年5月31日 · Pre Built Asus G11CD-K Case (Kabylake based) Intel I7 7700, 16gb of ram, Evga Geforce 1660 Super SC Ultra card ((Previous card Geforce 1050 2GB) ) Well lately …