Imani i2 Plus Wearable Breast Pump - Legendairy Milk
Introducing our new and improved wearable breast pump -- the Imani i2 Plus. Our upgraded mobile pump now gives you more visual cues and control of your pumping session – choose which mode to start on, pause and play, and set an adjustable auto shut-off timer.
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Legendairy Milk Wearable Breast Pump Hands-Free Electric Imani i2 Plus …
2023年8月22日 · Buy Legendairy Milk Wearable Breast Pump Hands-Free Electric Imani i2 Plus - Portable Leakproof Design, 2 Modes 10 Levels - 25mm Flange & 21mm Insert, 7oz per Cup - LCD Display Timer Auto Shut Off, 2 Pack on Amazon.com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
Imani Wearable Breast Pump & Accessories - Legendairy Milk
Shop the Imani - our wearable breast pump - and Imani accessories!
Imani Single Breast Pump - OneHealthNG
The Imani I2 Plus Hands-free Silicon Made Breast Pump Easily Sits Enti... ₦165,000.00 ₦165,000.00. Add to Cart Add to cart. Arrives 1-4 hrs nationwide. Fine Test Auto-coding Blo... Contents: Blood Glucose Test Strips 2vials. Blood Glucose Test Strip Manual. ₦17,600.00 ₦17,600.00. Add to Cart
아이마니 유축기
LEVEL UP YOUR PUMPING GAME WITH IMANI I2 Plus! Powerful strength for optimum performance; Auto shut-off in 20 minutes; Digital LCD display; 2 modes: Massage and expression; Features a rechargeable battery that lasts 3+ hours for easy on-the-go pumping; Backflow prevention to protect against contamination; Customized massage mode settings for ...
Imani i2 Plus 電動免手持吸乳器 電動擠奶器 擠乳器 電動吸乳器 穿 …
免手持設計-半圓形收集杯造型,可直接穿戴在內衣裡,解放您的雙手。 個人調節模式-按摩模式5檔、吸乳模式5檔,變化出10種模式方便使用。 主機記憶模式-主機會自動記錄上一次使用的力度,下次開機可直接使用,無須重新設定。 防逆流設計-防止乳汁逆流,阻斷異物流入乳汁;確保媽媽們分泌出安全又衛生的乳汁。 防呆貼心設計-運作20分鐘即自動關機。 LED電量顯示-當電量只剩10-0%,會閃爍10次紅燈提示並關機。 USB充電- Type-C隨手可取得的充電線,超方便。 輕巧 …
imani i2+ Electrical Breast Pump (Latest Design) – Single
Introducing the latest design of i2 Plus Electrical Breast Pump — a sleeker, more compact form factor without compromising on the performance you rely on. The compact design gives mummies the experience and freedom of expressing milk discreetly anytime and anywhere.
Imani| iBox 穿戴式&醫療級 |二合一奶泵| 韓國製造
i2 Plus 穿戴式泵電機體積更小、重量更輕,可方便、獨立地進行餵哺 • 定制泵奶體驗 利用 iBox 的按摩和吸奶模式的可調節頻率和力度功能,定制您的吸奶偏好和舒適度
IMANI i2 Plus (i2+) Breast Pump - imani Malaysia
Imani i2+ Electric Breast Pump is a compact handsfree design breast pump that gives you the convenience to discreetly pump anytime and anywhere. No more huge motor, tubes, or wires to carry. No more audible whooshing sound to hear. You can wear it under your bra to pump. Perfect for returning to work mummies to pump at your work desk!
i2 Plus Wearable Breast Pump PA Single - imani Philippines
Pump discreetly, anytime, anywhere you want with the compact and hands-free imani i2 Plus. This single electric pump is perfect for pumping while nursing. Ideal for new moms, it helps establish milk supply by encouraging milk production. Share your imani breast pump review and enjoy 20% OFF replacement parts. So so so happy with this purchase!