I found this cave near my house and it goes DEEP you …
Best bet is to have a safety line tied to the outside of cave. Carry multiple lights and some chemical glow sticks. Use a pole to probe ahead of you. Might not be a bad idea to wear chest waders and a life jacket.
I might have found a cave - now what? : r/caving - Reddit
Head to Caves.org and find your local grotto(caving club) they'll be happy to hear about a potential cave and learn you some!
Cavechat.org • View topic - I Have Found A Cave On My Property
2006年2月8日 · After digging by hand (using a shovel) off and on for the last six months we believe we have uncovered a cave. Approximately 8 ft below the surface I uncovered a crevice …
I found a cave on my property. - YouTube
Finally found the alleged cave around my house! : r/caving - Reddit
Definitely a cave, I found the entrance to an old mine on my parents actual property around a month ago. It was a much more clear cut split in the rock, I can send you a video of that …
Hi this hole appeared in my garden does this mean I …
2022年8月24日 · A subreddit about caves, caving, and caver culture. We welcome trip reports, photographs of caves, gear reviews, questions about …
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Earliest known human fossils in Western Europe discovered in cave …
15 小时之前 · Fossil fragments found in a cave in northern Spain reveal a previously unknown human population that lived over 1.1 million years ago. The partial skull represents the earliest …
I Found A Prehistoric Cave And Artifacts In The Mojave Desert
Cave exploration: How to Actually Find a Cave? - startcaving.com
To successfully find caves, a basic understanding of (your local) geology helps – a lot. If you know how caves are formed (in general and in your local area specifically), you can spot signals …
I found a cave - YouTube
Join us on an unforgettable hike to the stunning Frodsham Caves, nestled in the heart of Cheshire! This scenic trail takes us through breathtaking natural la...