Delta smelt - Wikipedia
The delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) is an endangered [1] slender-bodied smelt, about 5 to 7 cm (2.0 to 2.8 in) long, in the family Osmeridae.
Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) | U.S. Fish & Wildlife …
2022年3月5日 · Explore the information available for this taxon's timeline. You can select an event on the timeline to view more information, or cycle through the content available in the carousel below. ETWP; Notice of 90-Day Findings on Petitions to List the Delta Smelt and Delhi Sands Flower-Loving F…
Delta Smelt - California Department of Fish and Wildlife
2021年11月5日 · Delta Smelt is a euryhaline species, able to tolerate a wide salinity range. Delta Smelt feeds primarily on planktonic copepods, cladocerans, and amphipods.
Hypomesus transpacificus, Delta smelt - FishBase
A revision of the ormerid genus Hypomesus Gill (Teleostei: Salmoniformes), with a description of a new species from the southern Kuril Islands. Species Diversity 2:59-82. (Ref. 33312)
About the Species - DeltaSmelt.org
The delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) is an endangered slender-bodied smelt, about 5 to 7 cm (2.0 to 2.8 in) long, in the family Osmeridae.
Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) - Species Profile
Ecology: Delta Smelt are small, euryhaline fish primarily occuring in shallow, low-salinity regions of the San Francisco Estuary. Delta Smelt are planktivorous, primarily feeding on planktonic crustaceans. Spawning takes place in spring to early summer in sloughs of …
Hypomesus - Wikipedia
The pond smelt H. olidus is widespread across northeastern Asia, Alaska, and northwestern Canada, while the Delta smelt H. transpacificus is an endangered species of the Sacramento Delta in California.
Water diversion for agricultural and urban use has been the single greatest factor in the smelt’s decline. Disturbance of its habitat by water diversions and drought has also left the delta smelt vulnerable to introduced species that have taken hold in the delta region.
Delta smelt | Sacramento State - California State University, …
Hypomesus transpacificus Family: Osmeridae (Smelts) Etymology: Hypo = below; mesus = middle; trans = across; pacificus = Pacific Ocean; The name literally means that the fish was thought to be found across (on both sides) of the Pacific Ocean; however, that was due to a misunderstanding -- this fish is found ONLY in the Delta of the Sacramento ...
Delta smelt - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) is an endangered slender-bodied smelt, about 5 to 7 cm (2.0 to 2.8 in) long, in the family Osmeridae. Endemic to the upper Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary of California, it mainly inhabits the freshwater-saltwater mixing zone of the estuary, except during its spawning season, when it migrates upstream ...