Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion - Wikipedia
As part of the AEC/USAF ANP program, in 1956 modified General Electric J47s were first operated on nuclear power using a reactor test assembly known as Heat Transfer Reactor Experiment 1 (HTRE-1). HTRE-1, which used vertically-oriented control rods, was reconfigured with a removable core to become HTRE-2 for additional testing.
HTRE-1 or “Heater One” demonstrated the principle of nucle- ar-powered turbojet engines. In 1958, the Air Force, in an attempt to keep the ANPProgram alive, introduced new mission requirement.
永不疲倦的铁鸟:美苏核动力轰炸机实验史话 - 哔哩哔哩
htre-3(左)和htre-1(右)对比 1949年,项目组对核轰炸机的一些核动力系统进行了试验,其中主要是对三种类型的反应堆进行了热传输试验(HTRE),用以验证效率最高的反应堆热传输类型。
Nuclear HTRE propulsion, page 1 - AboveTopSecret.com
2005年3月14日 · HTRE-1 achieved a number of full-power runs that demonstrated conclusively the feasibility of operating a jet engine on nuclear power. HTRE-2 was simply HTRE-1 modified to test advanced reactor sections in a central hexagonal chamber.
1955年,在爱达荷州的一个试验场,发动机在被称作“热传导反应堆试验一号”(HTRE-1)的地面试验台上做了运行。 工程师们测试了由反应堆、辐射防护罩、两台X-39发动机、管道、控制部件和各种仪表组成的完整的飞机动力装置。 1957年,又测试了其他的反应堆核心,HTRE-2号和3号装置稍微减轻了部分重量。 据公布的信息显示,HTRE-3号发动机在飞机以740千米/时速度巡航时,航程可以达到48300千米。 此后,NB-36H搭载试验反应堆在1955至1957年间共完成了47次 …
HTRE - ufxufo.org
HTRE-1, also known as the Core Test Facility, the initial aircraft engine/reactor testbed, was mounted on a huge mobile railroad car assembly. It was a water-moderated uranium reactor with a beryllium reflector and shielding that included large quantities of mercury.
核能航空发动机 - 百度百科
htre-1基本属于概念验证反应堆。 HTRE-1实现了几次全功率运行, 最后验证了核动力 喷气发动机 工作的可行性。 HTRE-2 则是HTRE-1的改进型, 用于在中心六角形腔体内试验先进的反应堆部分。采用这种方法, 不需要制造一个全新的反应堆就可对新的反应堆设计进行试验。
【1.14~1.16】HTRE Shader(HTRE着色器) - BE纹理 [材质]
2020年7月23日 · HTRE Shader是适用于低配设备的最佳着色器之一,例如Kindle Fire HD8 7th gen,它几乎无法运行任何出色的着色器。 我尝试了Kindle上评分最高的着色器,但效果却差很多!
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion: Manned Aircraft Progress Report
2025年2月3日 · Work done between 1956 and 1958 is highlighted, including a detailed technical summary of the GE direct cycle nuclear jet engines and the Pratt and Whitney indirect cycle liquid metal cooled system. It discusses the HTRE tests performed in Idaho. GE XMA-1 development is shown at Evandale, OH.
Encyclopedia of Forlorn Places | Experimental Breeder Reactor I
The HTRE-1 and HTRE-3 reactors from the aircraft project are outside in the open air, in front of the EBR-1 visitor center. These are the only nuclear powered jet engines in the world. The BORAX 1-5 nuclear reactors were built in the 1950s and early 60s at the Idaho National Laboratory after EBR-1.
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