Xia Gui - Wikipedia
Xia Gui (Chinese: 夏珪; Wade–Giles: Hsia Kui; fl. 1195–1224), courtesy name Yuyu (禹玉), was a Chinese landscape painter of the Song dynasty. Very little is known about his life, and only a few of his works survive, but he is generally considered one of China's greatest artists.
Hsia Kuei - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月23日 · Hsia Kuei (active 1190-1225) was a Chinese painter who, with Ma Yüan, was the creator of the "Ma-Hsia school" of landscape painting. Hsia Kuei, also named Yüyü, was a native of Ch'ient'ang, the modern Hangchou in Chekiang Province.
名繪集珍 冊 宋夏珪觀瀑圖 - 故宮
夏珪(活動於1180-1230年前後),字禹玉,浙江錢塘(杭州)人,為南宋中期的宮廷畫家。 構圖常取半邊,人稱「夏半邊」,與馬遠齊名,並稱「馬夏」。 此幅描寫雅士二人,坐在松下瓦亭中觀賞瀑布,僕奴一名隨侍在旁。 兩株蒼松立於亭前,為整幅畫增添了一番古意,遠景峰巒只以簡單的筆意描繪,籠罩在煙雨迷濛的水氣中。 整體構圖層次分明,不論虛實、疏密、遠近、開合之對應,均明顯呈現。 右方山石上有「夏珪」兩字款。 (20101015) 彎曲的山徑間,一座瓦亭架築於 …
Hsia Kuei (fl. 1180-1230) - Google Arts & Culture
Hsia Kuei (style name Yu-yu) is a representative painter of the Southern Song (1127-1279) court. He is frequently paired with another renowned member of the painting academy, Ma Yuan. Due to...
宋夏珪溪山清遠 卷 - 故宮 - npm
Hsia Kuei was as famous as his contemporary Ma Yuan, hence their designation "Ma-Hsia." This is the most important surviving work by Hsia Kuei. Hsia's use of brushwork was refined. His representation of landscapes with large "axe-cut" texture strokes was even more simplified and natural than that of Li T'ang.
Ink and Wash / Sumi-e Artworks and Masters – Xia Gui (夏珪 / Hsia Kuei)
The Paintings of Xia Gui (夏珪 / Hsia Kuei) Xia’s painting style was less sleek and missed the simple, but carefully constructed compositions for which Ma Yuan, with whom he founded the Ma-Xia-School, was famous for.
Xia Gui | Chinese Landscape Painter & Calligrapher | Britannica
Xia Gui (flourished 1195–1224, Qiantang [now Hangzhou], Zhejiang province, China) was one of China’s greatest masters of landscape painting, cofounder with Ma Yuan of the Ma-Xia school. The album leaf and the hand scroll with a continuous panorama were his predominant forms.
宋夏珪歸棹圖 軸 - 故宮 - npm
Hsia Kuei, whose style name was Yu-yu was a native of Ch’ien-t’ang, Chekiang. He served in the Painting Academy under Ning Tsung (r. 1195-1224) as Painter-in-Attendance. He also received from the emperor the Golden Girdle award.
Hsia Kuei - Infoplease
Hsia Kuei shyä gwā [key], c.1180–1230, Chinese painter of the Sung dynasty. Little is known of his life. He and his contemporary Ma Yüan were regarded as the greatest landscape painters of the day and were the founders of the so-called Ma-Hsia school of landscape painting.
宋夏珪西湖柳艇圖 軸-數位典藏與學習聯合目錄 (260921)
Hsia Kuei, style name Yü-yü, was a native of Ch’ien-t’ang (modern Hang-chou), Chekiang. During the reign of Emperor Ning-tsung (1194-1224), Hsia Kuei served as Painter-in-Attendance in the Imperial Painting Academy. He and Ma Yüan are known together as the originators of the much admired and emulated “Ma-Hsia” style.