自噬研究指南|分子伴侣介导的自噬,一篇带你入门 - 知乎
2023年11月17日 · hsc70. 溶酶体腔中和溶酶体膜上均存在hsc70,它是目前唯一被证明直接结合kferq样基序的伴侣蛋白[1],参与底物的去折叠,是形成cma易位复合体的必需物质,缺乏hsc70的溶酶体无法进行cma。
Comprehensive review on the HSC70 functions, interactions with …
2019年10月3日 · Heat shock cognate protein 70 (HSC70) is a constitutively expressed molecular chaperone which belongs to the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) family. HSC70 shares some of the structural and functional similarity with HSP70. HSC70 also has different properties compared with HSP70 and other heat shock fa …
热激蛋白70 - 百度百科
热激蛋白70又称 热休克蛋白 70(heatshockprotein70,HSP70)是一种结构上高度保守的多肽,能够通过易化变性蛋白的修复,帮助新合成的多肽键的生理折叠与伸展,以及纠正多肽链的错误折叠等途径使细胞的功能和结构得到恢复,具有“分子伴侣(molecularchaperones)”的功能。 1962年Ritossa首先在果蝇幼虫的动物实验中发现:果蝇唾液腺染色体疏松部在过热环境中发生形态改变。 1974年,Tissieres等证实这种形态改变是由于热休克激发染色体内基因转录合成特异性的蛋 …
其表达,因此,热休克蛋白又被称为应激蛋白。作为进化上最保守的蛋白质之一,热休克蛋白70 (heat shock protein 70, Hsp70)是生物细胞中含量最高的一种热休克蛋白,可诱导性最强,具有多�. 生物学功能,因此,又被称为主要热休克蛋白。由于蛋白质是细胞重要成分之一,几乎涉及所有的生物学过程,Hsp70 家族成员控制着细胞蛋白质稳态的所. 有方面,因此,Hsp70一直是科学研究的热点之一。该文概括了近年来Hsp70的生物学功能和作用. 机制研究进展,并对该领域的研究进行了展望。关键 …
浙江大学医学院研究者们揭示了Hsc70通过靶向PD-L1溶酶体降解 …
该研究阐明了hsc70介导的PD-L1溶酶体降解的分子机制,为未来癌症免疫治疗的发展提供了途径。 Hsc70通过eMI靶向PD-L1降解促进抗肿瘤免疫的示意图模型
Hsc70 promotes anti-tumor immunity by targeting PD-L1 for
2024年5月18日 · Our findings revealed that Hsc70 overexpression (Hsc70-OE) or PD-L1 knockdown (PD-L1-KD) effectively suppressed tumor growth, while the combination of both (Hsc70-OE + PD-L1-KD) did not...
Similarities and Differences of Hsp70, hsc70, Grp78 and …
Hsc70 has been studied most extensively in glioma where its regulation of proliferation and apoptosis was shown to involve binding and regulation of β4-galactosyltransferase 5 . Overall, depletion of hsc70 significantly reduces cell proliferation, migration and invasion, and promotes cell apoptosis in cancer cells [21,22].
Hsc70 - a chaperone protein with diverse cellular functions
2015年5月15日 · Hsc70, with the help of accessory proteins, exerts its chaperone activity by binding to short hydrophobic stretches of nascent or unfolded polypeptides through the SBD in an ATP-dependent manner. ATP hydrolysis then triggers a conformational change to induce protein folding and the release of the substrate.
HSPA8/HSC70 chaperone protein: structure, function, and …
HSPA8/HSC70 protein is a fascinating chaperone protein. It represents a constitutively expressed, cognate protein of the HSP70 family, which is central in many cellular processes. In particular, its regulatory role in autophagy is decisive. We focused this review on HSC70 structure-function consider …
Glutamine binds HSC70 to transduce signals inhibiting IFN-β …
6 天之前 · Zhang et al. demonstrate that glutamine directly binds to HSC70 to block HSC70-promoted OTUD4 degradation, thus stabilizing LDHA and inhibiting IFN-β-promoted immunogenic cell death. OTUD4 and LDHA form a glutamine sensor/effector complex, and targeting glutamine-OTUD4-LDHA axis may be a promising strategy for cancer therapy.