Solved: under 18 account? - PayPal Community
PayPal asks for a birth date when you register so whilst you can make a PayPal account with false information the account will be subject to sending and receiving limits. When those limits are reached then you would be unable to verify the account so …
Solved: Using PayPal credit on Amazon - PayPal Community
The PayPal debit card only uses your funds in the PayPal balance to make purchases in stores or online anywhere Mastercard® is accepted. If you have insufficient funds, it will decline however, you can set up to automatically add money or 'top up' by linking a card or bank if you don't have enough money in your PayPal balance.
Solved: Paypal account for my 13 year old son who is earni.
2018年2月25日 · My son is a bit of an entrepreneur and has been earning small amounts online which is being paid into my Paypal account and I give him the cash. It is fine but I think it would be better for the payments to go directly to him (cutting me out as the "middle man"). Is there a paypal account I can set up in his name as an under 18 year old.
Solved: Can I use PayPal in Zimbabwe? - PayPal Community
Yes however the option to receive Paypal payments is sadly not available in Zimbabwee. You can only send payments for purchases funded by your (confirmed) credit card. Paypal varies a lot country to country and can only offer the services that …
Solved: Use vouchers - PayPal Community
2019年9月21日 · Hi @Smritigupta, . Welcome to the community and thanks for posting. Using a voucher would depend on the type of voucher you have received and the validity of it. In some cases you will enter the details on the merchants website or if it has been saved to your PayPal account the voucher will be discount
Solved: How do u use zelle with paypal - PayPal Community
WRONG!!! IT IS POSSIBLE to use PayPal with Zelle. Download the Zelle app and when it asks you to link your bank click on “Don’t See My Bank” or something along those lines... the next page will ask you to link a card. That’s when you get your PayPal card and link it to Zelle and now your PayPal and Zelle are linked.
Solved: Setup Authenticator App - PayPal Community
2024年1月10日 · Use Authenticator App is an option for 2FA but do not understand how to connect PayPal to an authenticator. The authenticator app requires a QR code or key. How to get this information from PayPal website or mobile app?
Can I use a prepaid Visa card to add funds to my paypal
2019年3月27日 · You can link it to your PayPal wallet and use the card as the payment method. And if your card does not have enough funds to cover a purchase entirely, it will decline. Register the card at issuing website with name and billing address that matches to what's on your PayPal account before linking to PayPal Wallet.
Is it possible to use PayPal as a guest? - PayPal Community
2012年3月22日 · On the paypal log in page, ignore the log in bit and above and to the right click on send money > takes you to another page saying log in ignore that as well and click on the orange button saying send money, that opens the page for the buyer to put in your email addy...make sure you send it and they imput it correctly....and how much to send etc.
Customer Service phone number - PayPal Community
PayPal Customer Service: US/Canada 1 - 888 - 221 - 1161 or 1 - 402 - 935 - 2050 4:00 AM PST to 10:00 PM PST Monday through Friday 6:00 AM PST to 8:00 PM PST Saturday and Sunday BUSINESS SUPPORT US: 1-888-215-5506 UK/IRL: +44 (0) 8707 307 191 BUSINESS SUPPORT UK: 08707301880, BS Email: business-support …