How to create a seamlessly looping ocean - Blender Stack Exchange
2015年6月4日 · Instead of using one Ocean Modifier, use two identical ones. The following values are the ones used in this example. Key Frames on frame 1 and frame 21. Since these frames …
Ocean Stretching to the Horizon? - Blender Stack Exchange
2019年8月28日 · I want to make an ocean stretching to the horizon. Here's what it looks like currently: Blender file here: ocean-test.blend. IMO this looks more like I'm looking up a wave …
how to make ocean with depth - Blender Stack Exchange
2019年10月10日 · Set the Color to something ocean-ish and tweak the Density until you're satisfied. Render and profit! A little demonstration: The red Suzanne is behind the ico-sphere, …
How to make an ocean with depth - Blender Stack Exchange
2017年4月21日 · Just fill a water domain up to where you want. Make sure the material of the water is set to glass and and IOR of 1.333. With the nodes you can tweak the look of the water …
modifiers - How to make ocean waves move towards a central …
2021年6月21日 · Ocean Modifier; Simple Deform Modifier; In the ocean modifier, add divisions to the repeat X and Y properties. Expand the Waves panel, set the Alignment to 1, and the …
Ocean plane shader with transparency - Blender Stack Exchange
2020年5月24日 · This isn't so much about Blender as physics. Real ocean water is very light. Like almost white. Aim your camera more downwards, to decrease reflections. Add a shallow …
Ocean modifier color and foam - Blender Stack Exchange
$\begingroup$ The image is not from Blender, it is a Houdini simulation by the looks of it. A bit more searching led me to the Houdini Ocean Toolkit for Cinema 4D v0.3. The image is an …
Can I make the ocean modifier less repetitive? - Blender Stack …
2022年1月10日 · The width of the ocean surface area being simulated, in meters. This also determines the size of the generated mesh, or the displaced area. Of course, you can scale …
Fluid Simulation Real Ocean waves - Blender Stack Exchange
2016年1月9日 · The inflow/Outflow was similar. I would like the plane (modified with the ocean modifier) to behave like a real ocean and if I set obstacle (=shore) that this plane interacts with …
How to apply the ocean modifier to get an animated object?
2015年5月3日 · Export the mesh as an .mdd file format. Remove any deformation modifiers on the object. Apply the Ocean modifier.