OEE Calculation: Definitions, Formulas, and Examples | OEE
Learn how to calculate OEE to gain insight into the effectiveness of your manufacturing process and improve production.
OEE Implementation: Quick Guide for Measuring OEE | OEE
This page is a “quick start guide” for measuring OEE. It provides a roadmap of key decisions and is organized in three parts: Define Project: things to decide before you start your OEE project; Capture OEE Data: everything you need to calculate OEE; Capture Detailed Loss Data: everything you need to calculate Availability, Performance, and ...
OEE Topics – Understand, Measure, and Improve OEE | OEE
Learn the simplest OEE calculation (calculating just OEE) and the preferred OEE calculation (also calculating Availability, Performance, and Quality). Includes a complete worked example for the preferred calculation.
OEE Factors: Availability, Performance, and Quality | OEE
OEE availability is the ratio of Run Time to Planned Production Time. Availability takes into account Availability Loss, which includes any events that stop planned production for an appreciable length of time (usually several minutes, long enough for an operator to log a reason).
What Is OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)? | OEE
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is the gold standard for measuring manufacturing productivity. Simply put – it identifies the percentage of manufacturing time that is truly productive. An OEE score of 100% means you are manufacturing only …
OEE FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions | OEE
How do I calculate OEE for my entire plant? Calculating OEE for an entire plant can be useful for monitoring trends (such as whether a given plant is improving) or as a rough gauge of where a given plant lies in the OEE benchmarking spectrum. However, you should be very cautious when using OEE to compare different plants, products or assets.
Calculate TEEP: Increase Equipment Utilization | OEE
OEE reveals how much of your Planned Production Time is truly productive, but TEEP also takes Utilization into account to show how much potential you have to increase throughput with the equipment you already own.
What is Takt Time? Formula and How to Calculate - OEE
The cyclic target for OEE is ideal cycle time. For efficiency, it is takt time. It is surprising how often ideal cycle time and takt time are conflated in real-world use. That can seriously throw off the accuracy of OEE scores, so it’s important to keep them straight. Let's explore the two metrics. Ideal Cycle Time
How to Calculate Takt Time | OEE
The takt time calculation is much more than a simple formula about time and demand. It is the perfect jumping off point for exploring different ways to analyze time in manufacturing and how that time can be best organized and utilized to meet demand - from both customer and manufacturing perspectives.
This page is a “quick start guide” for measuring OEE. It provides a roadmap of key decisions and is organized in four parts: Define Project (things to decide before you start your OEE project) Capture OEE Data (everything you need to calculate OEE)