HOIC ( DDOS Attack Tool ) - Defend the Web
Select Power to High, Select “GenericBoost.hoic” under the Turbo Booster section and click Add. 3) Select Threads 2 or 3, remember threads is number of users HOIC should simulate in order to attack since it is Distributed DOS attack, the more you select the more time it takes.
DDOS tools | Defend the Web
the best ddosing tool will be a hoic or a loic or u could buy an Annoymous Illuminarti stresser from thier origenal site :) there is like a packages you selected from, site @: anonware.net =] hope i help’d
New Level Idea | Defend the Web
Another idea is to (make a new forum section for this level) make a post in the forums to make a team of like 5- 10 people, download either LOIC or HOIC, and DDoS a site. Please consider these ideas. 8 replies
Off-topic | Defend the Web
Buy “The Hacker Playbook 3” on Amazon. Off-topic. Latest . Popular; Latest; Top; No replies
Off-topic | Defend the Web
HOIC ( DDOS Attack Tool ) angell [angellomichel387] · Stip replied 7 years ago
Anonymous Squad 010 Recruiting! | Defend the Web
Im new too this site. I don’t know how to add. Adacus 11 years ago. 0