New to Hobart? | Hobart, WI - villageofhobart
Hobart enjoys a handsome topography, a climate full of each of the four seasons, and convenience to all urban resources in our location near the “Northern Coast” of the Great Lakes. Yet we take great pride and make ongoing thoughtful efforts to preserve the quiet rural and residential ambiance that permeates our entire Village.
Site Map | Hobart, WI - villageofhobart
Site map for the Village of Hobart's website. Home. Your Government. Village Board. Archived Board Agendas/Minutes Village Administrator
Municipal Court FAQ | Hobart, WI - villageofhobart
If you have questions about the status of your license you should call DOT directly at 608-266-2353 or visit their web site at www.dot.wisconsin.gov. If you have a probationary license, the demerit points are doubled for your second or subsequent moving violation conviction.
Hobart/Lawrence K-9 Unit | Hobart, WI - villageofhobart
The first K-9 Officer program in Hobart Lawrence was made possible by an extremely generous donation from a local Hobart family. Officer Tremel and his K-9 Partner Bax underwent six weeks of training Albuquerque, New Mexico before being able to work the field.
Neighbord Watch Liason | Hobart, WI - villageofhobart
Primary Responsibilities: Deters criminal activity-Creates a greater sense of security and reduces fear of crime-Builds bonds with neighbors...
Trial & Appeal Information | Hobart, WI - villageofhobart
You may appeal a decision of the Municipal Judge to the Brown County Circuit Court. You must follow the proper statutory procedures and requirements to start an appeal (listed below). The Hobart/Lawrence Municipal Court CANNOT extend the time for filing the necessary documents and fees to begin the appeal process.
Court Procedures - villageofhobart
Court proceedings will take place at the Village of Hobart located at 2990 South Pine Tree Road, Hobart, WI 54155. Since this may be your first visit to this Court, it is our desire that you be fully advised of your rights and of this Court's procedures, please take the time to read this information.
Jan Wos Park | Hobart, WI
Jan Wos Park Photo Gallery. Village of Hobart. 2 990 South Pine Tree Road - Hobart, WI 54155. Copyright © 2017 - Village of Hobart Site Map
PARKS & RECREATION - villageofhobart
2022年3月24日 · Email: [email protected] Phone: (920) 869-1011 - Fax: (920) 869-2048
Fire Department - Hobart, WI
The Hobart fire department is an all volunteer department serving the villages 33 square miles and a population of over 9,000.