次氯酸 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
次氯酸, 化学式 为 H Cl O,是一种不稳定的 弱酸,由 氯气 溶于水而成。 它是一种无色液体,高浓度下因为 一氧化二氯 的产生而变黄。 [3] 它会部分电离,形成 次氯酸根 ClO −。 HClO 和ClO − 都是氧化剂,也是氯水 消毒 的方法。 [4] HClO 无法从溶液里提纯。 次氯酸钠 (NaClO) 和 次氯酸钙 (Ca (ClO) 2)都是 漂白剂 、 体香剂 和 消毒剂。 次氯酸可以在哺乳动物的白血球中找到,其中就包括人类。 [5] 它是无毒的,并且多年来都被用作安全的伤口护理解决方案。 [6] 次氯酸溶解 …
Hypochlorous acid - Wikipedia
Hypochlorous acid is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Cl O H, also written as HClO, HOCl, or ClHO. [2][3] Its structure is H−O−Cl. It is an acid that forms when chlorine dissolves in water, and itself partially dissociates, forming a hypochlorite anion, ClO−.
次氯酸 - 百度百科
次氯酸是一种 氯元素 的 含氧酸,由一个氢原子、一个氧原子和一个氯原子连接而成的有机物质组成,化学式为HClO ,结构式H-O-Cl,分子量为52.46。 它仅存在于溶液中,其浓溶液呈黄色,稀溶液无色,有非常刺鼻的、类似氯气的气味,而且极不稳定,是一种很弱的酸,比 碳酸 弱,和 氢硫酸 相当。 次氯酸也有较强的漂白作用,它的盐类可用作 漂白剂 和 消毒剂。 次氯酸主要作为消毒剂使用,被广泛用于物体表面、织物等污染物品以及水、果蔬和食饮具等的消毒。 …
Hypochlorous Acid | ClHO | CID 24341 - PubChem
Hypochlorous acid is a chlorine oxoacid with formula HOCl; a weak, unstable acid, it is the active form of chlorine in water. It has a role as a human metabolite, an EC (acetylcholinesterase) inhibitor and an EC (glutathione transferase) inhibitor. It is a member of reactive oxygen species and a chlorine oxoacid.
Chemistry of Hypochlorous Acid - HOCL
Electrolysis of sodium chloride (NaCl) and water (H2O) can be used to generate hypochlorous acid. Electrolysis technology was first explained by Michael Farraday when he developed the Laws of Electrolysis in the 1830s.
次氯酸的化学性质 - HOCL
氯化钠(NaCl)和水(H 2 O)的电解可用于产生次氯酸。 Michael Farraday在19世纪30年代制定电解法时首先解释了电解技术。 在盐水溶液中通过两个电极传导电流可能产生氯气, 次氯酸钠(漂白剂或NaOCl),次氯酸,氢氧化钠,氢气,臭氧和痕量其他新生氧化剂。 电解的关键过程是通过从外部电路去除或添加电子来交换原子和离子。 在浸入电解质中的一对电极上施加电势。 每个电极吸引具有相反电荷的离子。 带正电的离子(阳离子)向提供电子的(负)阴极移动。 …
What Is Hypochlorous Acid? - HOCL
Hypochlorous is a powerful oxidant and is 100 times more efficient at killing microbial pathogens than sodium hypochlorite (aka. chlorine bleach). Make high quality hypochlorous acid in the home or office. Make hypochlorous acid and spray with an electrostatic cold fogger. Generate large batches of hypochlorous acid at high concentrations.
Hypochlorous acid - WikiChem - Potsdam
2011年1月1日 · Hypochlorous acid, HOCl, is an oxoacid of chlorine. It is often considered to be only stable in aqueous solution, [2] [5] but it can be prepared in sufficient quantities in the gas phase for spectroscopic and even thermodynamic studies. [3] [4] ↑ Hypochlorous acid is a retained name in IUPAC nomenclature. [1]
Hypochlorous acid - NIST Chemistry WebBook
References. Go To: Top, Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels, Notes Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All ...
HO2Cl - (AP Chemistry) - Vocab, Definition, Explanations - Fiveable
HO2Cl refers to chlorous acid, an intermediate strength oxyacid that contains both chlorine and oxygen atoms. It is used as a bleaching agent and for water treatment.