Vim 使用水平布设的 hjkl 键作为光标移动键的原因是什么? - 知乎
但早期Unix的文字终端只能传输ascii 127以内的字符,不包括需要用控制键的上下左右(那个时候的键盘还没有标准的上下左右键),所以设计了HJKL来作为移动使用。 知乎,中文互联网高 …
hjkl Vim - Learn vim keyboard navigation with hjkl keys and …
Learn how hjkl Vim keys and numbers speed up keyboard navigation with four tips and a maze game in this valuable online coding resource by FactorPad.Find the...
[vim]怎样记忆hjkl这几个方向键 - CSDN博客
2017年6月6日 · 记忆方法今天早上突然想到 ,把hjkl 与键盘上的方向键作类比。 h l 对应 左方向键, 右方向键 j k 对应 下方向键, 正方向键 (与键盘上的方向键正好相反)这样是不是就好记 …
hjkl - YouTube
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Why does Vim really use hjkl? | Kiril Vladimirov
2023年11月14日 · If you want to get the code for an upper-case letter you should add 64 to the position of that letter in the alphabet. If you want it to be lower-case, add 96 instead. That’s …
Why did vi use hjkl instead of jikl? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
2023年6月16日 · Vi used hjkl because its creator's keyboard didn't have physical cursor keys. Instead, the arrows were printed on the hjkl keys.
Basic Movement - VimHero
Use the hjkl keys as indicated below to move one character in any direction.
vim - Why "hjkl" is highly recommended? - Stack Overflow
2013年1月11日 · Is there any advantages using "hjkl"? It is a bit like using the mouse. Every time you reach the mouse, or the arrow keys, you have to move your hand back to the main part of …
Why are h,j,k,l recommended over using arrow keys for vim?
2014年11月3日 · Old terminal keyboards like the ADM-3A terminal didn't have arrow keys. The keyboard layout looked like this and it already had the arrows for hjkl. (By the way, also note …
Why does vim use hjkl for cursor keys? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
2016年8月24日 · Check that Wikipedia page of vi, it contains a picture of some ancient Unix machine keyboard which explains, some keybindings. You can put four fingers of one hand on …