Hineni: A Prayer for the Ability to Pray | My Jewish Learning
But the Hineni prayer, a meditation traditionally recited by the cantor prior to the Musaf (or additional) service on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, stands apart from the myriad pages of praise and supplication recited on the High Holidays in that it is worded in the first person singular.
תפלה לשליח ציבור | Hineni: The Prayer of the Shaliaḥ Tsibur ...
Hineni – the leader’s prayer that opens the High Holy Days Mussaf has always been a challenge for me. While a dramatic moment in the service, it always seemed a little *too* grand to represent a prayer of humility.
Hineni: Here I Stand - Velveteen Rabbi
2008年10月6日 · During the Musaf (additional) service on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, it's traditional to recite a prayer called Hineni, "Here I stand." It's an outpouring of hopes written by an anonymous medieval cantor, and I find it tremendously powerful.
Here am I! – the Hebrew meaning of Hineni — FIRM Israel
2021年10月19日 · Is ‘hineni’ a prayer? “Hineni” is also an integral prayer recited during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Most of the prayers for the High Holidays are in the first-person plural: For the sins we have committed before you. We praise you. These prayers are recounted communally.
Hineni: Prayer for the Ability to Pray - Yeshua Centered Judaism
2020年9月24日 · But the Hineni prayer, a meditation traditionally recited by the cantor prior to the Musaf (or additional) service on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, stands apart from the myriad pages of praise and supplication recited on the High Holidays in that it …
Hineni: HERE I AM - Hebrew Word Lessons
2020年1月26日 · “Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob,’ and I said, ‘Here I am.’ [Hineni]… [The angel of God said] ‘I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar, where you made a vow to Me; now arise, leave this land, and return to the land of your birth.’”
A Chazan Sings: Hineni - High Holiday Cantorial Classics
Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz masterfully presents a cantorial rendition of the High Holidays ‘Hineni’ prayer, which is a beautiful personal prayer the cantor chants immediately before the Musaf Amidah, humbly beseeching God to accept his prayers in leading the congregation.
The Hineni – A Jewish Meditation on Leadership - The Times of …
2024年9月30日 · Hineni is the prayer of one who has been called to lead. The chazzan, the Shaliach Tzbur (the one sent by the community), opens by asking both us and God to be aware of his or her presence –...
The Meaning of Hineni in the Bible: A Deep Dive into Its Spiritual ...
2024年8月30日 · The prayer begins with the words “Hineni he’ani mima’as,” which translates to “Here I am, poor in deeds,” reflecting the cantor’s awareness of his human limitations and dependence on God’s grace. The “Hineni” prayer is unique because it combines personal introspection with communal responsibility.
"Hineni": Here I am. Send Me! - ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
“Hineni” – “Here I am”, the Great I Am stoops to assure us. He hears us, he sees us, he knows our struggle, and he is always there. He is mighty, he is our rescuer, and the dread warrior by our side. He promises to listen to our prayers and to answer, according to his will – the very best and perfect decision will be made.