High-temperature gas-cooled reactor - Wikipedia
A high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) is a type of gas-cooled nuclear reactor which uses uranium fuel and graphite moderation to produce very high reactor core output temperatures. [1] All existing HTGR reactors use helium coolant.
高温气冷堆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
高溫氣冷堆 (HTGR,亦稱作 甚高溫反應堆,VHTR)在設計上屬於 第四代核反應堆, [1] 使用 石墨 作爲 減速劑。 這種反應堆不僅可以使用 低濃縮鈾 作爲 燃料,也可以使用高濃縮鈾和 钍 燃料,實現钍-鈾燃料循環。 其堆芯可以采用柱狀燃料元件(類似常規反應堆堆芯)或球形元件(類似 球床反應堆 堆芯)。 從理論上講,甚高溫反應堆的出口溫度可以達到1,000 ℃,遠高於一般輕水堆。 [1] 其產生的高溫使得通過熱化學 硫-碘循環 生産 氫氣 等應用成爲可能。 球床反應堆工作 …
在国际上,高温气冷堆(HTGR或HTR)主要经历了几个发展阶 …
在三里岛事故和切尔诺贝利事故之后,开始提倡模块化的htgr设计,其特点是降低功率,低功率密度和非能动安全特性。通用原子能公司(ga)的 mhtgr 设计和德国的 htr-module 设计是典型的模块化的htgr设计。 模块化htgr继承了htgr的一般特点,如石墨慢化和氦气冷却。
High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors - Nuclear Energy …
High-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs), also known as very-high-temperature reactors (VHTR) are Generation IV reactors that can operate at very high temperatures and use a graphite-moderated gas-cooled nuclear reactor with a once-through uranium fuel cycle.
Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor 3 D MHTGR …
MHTGR technology presents an opportunity for process heat generation, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Since the 1980s, HTGR designs using both pebble bed and prismatic reactor fuel designs have been developed by the United States, South Africa, China, Japan, France, and Germany Petti et al. (2014).
An overview of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors
Jan 1, 2024 · High-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) are nuclear reactors with helium coolant, graphite moderator, and all-ceramic clad fuel elements with core outlet temperatures up to 700°C–1000°C.
Two basic designs of HTGR are considered in scoping the research plan—the pebble-bed reactor and the prismatic core reactor. Lacking the down selection to a single reactor type, the planned NRC safety analysis tools will cover both designs in as generic a manner as practicable.
Rosatom成功完成高温气冷反应堆燃料极端条件测试第一阶段 - 中 …
Dec 25, 2024 · 俄罗斯国家原子能公司(Rosatom)在高温气冷反应堆(HTGR)技术领域取得了重要突破,成功完成了HTGR燃料实验室样品在极端条件下的第一阶段反应堆测试 首页
Dec 25, 2024 · Rosatom科学家们在极高温度条件下成功完成了高温气冷反应堆(HTGR)实验室燃料样品的第一阶段反应堆测试。 这一测试标志着HTGR技术的又一重要进展,该技术是未来核电站的关键要素。
AREVA Steam Cycle High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
Nov 15, 2016 · This paper details the development and deployment strategy envisioned by AREVA for the SC-HTGR plant. The development phase includes completion of the full scale reactor module design and licensing, build and demonstrate the first commercial scale module, get design certification, and launch the commercial fleet deployment.
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