Heru-ur; Horus the Elder - Ancient Egypt Online
Heru-ur (Hrw Wr, Har-wer, Haroeris, Horus the Elder) was one of the oldest gods of Ancient Egypt. He was a sky god, whose face was visualised as the face of the sun. As a result his name (“Heru”) was sometimes translated as “face”, rather than “distant one”, and was sometimes modified to “Herut” (“sky”).
Horus - Wikipedia
Horus is recorded in Egyptian hieroglyphs as ḥr.w "Falcon", 𓅃; the original pronunciation has been reconstructed as /ˈħaːɾuw/ in Old Egyptian and early Middle Egyptian, /ˈħaːɾəʔ/ in later Middle Egyptian, and /ˈħoːɾ (ə)/ in Late Egyptian. Additional meanings are thought to have been "the distant one" or "one who is above, over". [12] .
Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - Heru - Code Of The Ancients
Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - Heru
Hieroglyphics Translator - EngDic
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Horus | Story, Appearance, Symbols, & Facts | Britannica
Horus, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing. Falcon cults, which were in evidence from late predynastic times, were widespread in Egypt.
Horus - Ancient Egypt Online
Horus was the protector and patron of the pharaoh. As Horus was associated with Upper Egypt (as Heru-ur in Nekhen) and Lower Egypt (as Horus Behedet or Horus of Edfu) he was the perfect choice for a unified country and it seems that he was considered to be the royal god even before unification took place.
Heru | Kemet.org
Heru is known even before the advent of hieroglyphic writing from depictions on Predynastic pottery and walls, of hawks and standards with the hawk sitting atop them; Predynastic and early Dynastic kings wrote their names within a serekh, a drawing of …
Heru - Names of Netjer - House of Netjer
2022年1月1日 · Heru is known even before the advent of hieroglyphic writing from depictions on Predynastic pottery and walls, of hawks and standards with the hawk sitting atop them; Predynastic and early Dynastic kings wrote their names within a serekh, a drawing of a palace with a hawk sitting upon its roof.
Heru-wer | Kemet.org
The hawk of Her-wer came to be associated with the kingship and was depicted seated atop the ruler's name in the original "serekh" (palace facade) style of hieroglyphic rendering. Her-wer is viewed as a brother, rather than son, of Wesir; His main opposite being Set, the Lord of the Red Land, and the storms in Her-wer's placid blue sky.
Horus - Ancient Egypt Wiki | Fandom
Horus is an ancient god of the Ancient Egyptian religion, whose cult survived so long that he evolved dramatically over time and gained many names. The most well known name is the Greek Horus, representing the Egyptian Heru / Har, which is the basic element in most of the other names of Horus.