Surgery for thyroid cancer | Cancer Research UK
Doctors also call this operation a lobectomy or a hemithyroidectomy. The surgeon removes: half of your thyroid gland (one lobe) the bridge of thyroid tissue connecting the 2 thyroid lobes (the …
Life after surgery | Thyroid cancer | Cancer Research UK
Life after thyroid cancer surgery. Thyroid surgery is a major operation. Most people recover in a few weeks, but the recovery time may take longer for some people.
A trial looking at surgery to remove the whole thyroid or part of …
removing the lobe that the cancer is in – this is a lobectomy or hemithyroidectomy After a total thyroidectomy you might have radioactive iodine treatment. You will also need to take …
After thyroid cancer surgery - Cancer Research UK
After thyroid cancer surgery. Your recovery depends on the type of surgery you have. And your general health. If there are no complications you can usually go home after a day or 2.
Treatment options for thyroid cancer | Cancer Research UK
part of your thyroid - this is a lobectomy, partial thyroidectomy or hemithyroidectomy; all of your thyroid gland - this is a total thyroidectomy; lymph nodes in your neck; These are big …
Problems after thyroid cancer surgery | Cancer Research UK
Oct 18, 2023 · Problems after thyroid cancer surgery. There is a risk of problems or complications after any operation. Many problems are minor but some can be life threatening.
hemithyroidectomy | Cancer Chat
Nov 17, 2021 · Together we will beat cancer. Donate. About cancer
Tests for thyroid cancer - Cancer Research UK
a diagnostic hemithyroidectomy if the repeat biopsy is still Thy 1; Thy 2 means the pathologist can only see non cancerous (benign) cells. Thy 3 means the pathologist can see some abnormal …
Before your thyroid cancer surgery | Cancer Research UK
Thyroid cancer: assessment and management National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2022 ...
On the day of your thyroid cancer surgery | Cancer Research UK
On the day of your thyroid cancer surgery. You might have questions about your operation. The nurses can arrange for a member of the surgical team to come and talk to you.