Hellbound (Korean: 지옥) is a South Korean supernatural dark fantasy thriller television series written and directed by Yeon Sang-ho with Choi Gyu-seok [ko], based on their own webtoon of …
2019年8月25日 · Hellbound: With Aria Song, Kim Hyun-joo, Kim Shin-rock, Yang Ik-joon. Unearthly beings deliver bloody condemnations, sending individuals to hell and giving rise to a religious group founded on the idea of divine justice.
2020年8月25日 · Jin Kyung-Hoon (Yang Ik-June) is a detective and investigates cases involving the appearance of angels of deaths. Based on the webcomic series "Jiok" written by Yeon Sang-Ho and illustrated by Choi Kyu-Seok (first published August 25, 2019) via comic.naver.com/webtoon. Additional Cast Members:
Unearthly beings deliver bloody condemnations, sending individuals to hell and giving rise to a religious group founded on the idea of divine justice. Watch trailers & learn more.
Unearthly beings deliver condemnations, sending individuals to hell and giving rise to a religious group founded on the idea of divine justice. Watch Hellbound — Season 1 with a subscription on...
2021年11月19日 · Hellbound (Korean: 지옥) is a South Korean supernatural horror television series directed by Yeon Sang-ho and written collaboratively by Yeon and Choi Gyu-seok. The story was originally published as a webtoon, titled Hell or 지옥 in Korean. It was released on November 19, 2021 on Netflix.
2024年10月31日 · Is Jung Jin-su finally dead? Are executioners people who died and went to hell? Let’s untangle what befalls our Hellbound protagonists in the season 2 ending. Helmed by Train to Busan director Yeon Sang-ho, Hellbound is one of the most-watched K-dramas on Netflix.